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未发现任何开放性鼻音、吞咽困难和发音困难。We did not notice any open rhinolalia, dysphagia and dysphonia.

如果你发声困难,你就会明白什么是发音障碍了。If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is.

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如果发声困难,你就知道什么叫做“言语障碍”。这种不适状况的通俗叫法是“嘶哑”。If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is.

严重时可伴有虚构、持续动作及言语障碍。Serious when can accompany have fiction, continuously movement and dysphonia.

自闭症患者在行为障碍,言语障碍和智力特征上的性别差异较为显著。The gender difference of autism lies in behavior disorder, dysphonia and intellectual characteristics.

老张已近70岁,近来咳嗽频繁,且逐渐出现声音嘶哑、发声困难。Laozhang is close already 70 years old, latter cough is frequent, and appear gradually cracked, dysphonia.

如果你发声困难,你就会明白什么是发声困难了。这种失调的症状更通俗的名字是嘶哑。If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is. The more common name for this disorder is hoarseness.

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如果你发声费力,你就会明白什么是发音障碍了。这种失调症更通俗的名字是嘶哑。If using your voice is difficult, then you know what dysphonia is. The more common name for this disorder is hoarseness.

目的比较嗓音声学分析和电声门图在嗓音障碍客观评估中的意义。Objective To compare the reliability of acoustic measure and the electroglottograph in evaluation of the voice dysphonia.

经颅超声疗法在脑卒中恢复期可以改善脑微循环,提高脑细胞代谢水平,促进侧支循环建立,加快肢体功能和语言障碍的恢复。For the recovery stage of stroke this treatment may potentiate the recovery of body dysfunction and dysphonia in that ultrasound may improve brain microcirculation.

声音震颤可能是独立的,或是和身体其他部位相关,因此必须和喉头的痉挛性声音障碍及筋紧张异常作区分。Voice tremor can be isolated or associated with tremor of other body parts, and it must be distinguished from spasmodic dysphonia , a dystonic disorder of the larynx.