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这种物理缠结往往是不稳定的。Such physical entanglements are usually labile.

不稳定细胞循细胞周期周而复始地进行有丝分裂。Labile cells follow the cell cycle from one mitosis to the next.

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根据我们的调查,信任更为不稳定。What our research says is that trust is much more labile than that.

他讲到,“我们可以把一种性质不稳定的疫苗植入固体玻璃成分中。We can take an otherwise labile vaccine and embed it in a solid glass formulation.

通常在不稳定的1型糖尿病中,最有效的使用是每天注射两次。In labile type 1 diabetes, it is often most effective given as two daily injections.

经测试具有优异的防止如维生素或酶等易变分子的降解,保持被包裹物活性的功效。Have proved to protect from degradation labile molecules such as vitamins or enzymes.

要特别注意热不稳定和光敏感的产品的储存。Special attention should be paid to the storage of heat labile or photosensitive products.

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恐惧记忆储存在长时记忆之前,有一个临时的不稳定阶段。Before fear memories are stored in the long-term memory, there is a temporary labile phase.

演献症患者用性行为来支持她们的自尊,调节她们不安定的自尊感。Sex is used by histrionics to prop up their self-esteem and to regulate their labile sense of self-worth.

一个新的记忆最初是不稳定的,且易被许多干扰事件或因素打断。A new memory is initially labile and sensitive to disruption by a variety of interfering events or agents.

利用核磁共振对在水溶剂易溶且含活泼质子的化合物的结构进行解析。The configuration of a water-soluble compound containing labile protons in water solution was analyzed with NMR technique.

采样区域内土壤活性有机碳各组分的分布趋势均为南低北高。The distributing characteristics of soil labile organic carbon within the sampling region is that north is higher than south.

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霍乱毒素是霍乱弧菌分泌的一种不耐热肠毒素,是霍乱弧菌的主要致病因子。Cholera toxin is a heat- labile enterotoxin secreted by Vibrio cholerae, constituting the primary pathogenic agent associated with several diarrheal diseases.

通过在江苏省环太湖地区开展的机械化稻麦秸秆还田试验,对秸秆还田后水稻、小麦的产量与土壤碳库质量的动态变化进行了研究。Field experiment was established to study mechanized straw application on the yields of rice and wheat and soil labile carbon content variation in Tai lake region.

该遗忘通常被认为来自新记忆本身的不稳定性或者无关信息的干扰,但有关其本质人们知之甚少。Such memory decay is thought to result either from the inherently labile nature of newly-acquired memories or from interference by subsequently attained information.

在宁南半旱区采用秸秆还田能有效提高土壤活性有机碳含量和土壤酶活性。In semi-arid areas of southern Ningxia, the content of soil labile organic carbon and enzyme activities could be improved efficiently by using of straw returning technology.

解决的不好,它不但会制约社会经济的发展,而且很有可能加大两极分化,造成不稳定因素,为社会安全带来巨大隐患。It not only constraint the development of state economy, but also increase polarize very probably, result in labile factor and serious potential problem for social security.

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利用超分子结构维持化学不稳定物质的完整性。同时保存包含产物释放的化学反应中的催化位点。Harness supramolecular constructs to preserve the integrity of chemically labile species while conserving sites for the catalysis of chemical reactions including product release.

目前采用的彗星实验有多种,可以检测诸如DNA双链断裂、单链断裂、碱不稳定位点等多种类型的DNA损伤。Different techniques are available with different sensitivity to detect DNA damages such as double strand breaks, single strand breaks, delay DNA repair sites and alkali labile sites.

任何言语或非言语定义的目的,都是为了使人能在心理上体验、感觉、知觉到镶嵌在具体情境或事件中的关系、属性和特质。The aim of any verbal or nonverbal process of defining was to guide the addressee to the psychological experience, which was labile , subtle, intricate and resistant to any reduction.