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我的个人网站上有一个“忏悔室”。I have a Confessional on my website.

不久,又一个男的来忏悔。Soon after, another man enters the confessional.

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为什么不录制一个私人的忏悔纪录片呢?Why not make an intimate, confessional documentary?

这个年轻人在告解室里向牧师忏悔。The young man confessed lo the priest in the confessional.

因为我是晚上开车,我的车就成了移动的忏悔室。Because I drove at night, my cab became a moving confessional.

安妮·塞克斯顿是美国自白诗派的重要女诗人。Anne Sexton is the most important confessional poet in America.

由于我上夜班,我的出租车就成为一辆流动的忏悔室。Because I drove the night shift, my cab became a moving confessional.

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在一篇坦白心迹的文章里,鲍嘉解释了自己为什么从不喜欢自己的母亲。Bogart explained, in a frank confessional article, why he never liked his mother.

要是你高兴,可以把这件事做得坦率或忏悔或挑衅。Or, if you want, make it something remarkably honest or confessional or provocative.

在一篇坦白心迹的文章里,鲍嘉解释了自己为什么从不喜欢自己的母亲。Bogart explained , in a frank confessional article , why he had never loved his mother.

“自白体”诗歌是美国后现代诗歌中一个非常有影响的流派。Confessional poetry is one of the most influential schools among post modern American poetry.

一个喝醉的人摇摇摆摆地进入天主教徒的告解室坐下来没有说什么话。A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional box, sits down but says nothing.

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一名醉汉摇摇晃晃走到天主教堂,他进入告解室坐下来,却不发一语。A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church, enters a confessional booth, sits down, but says nothing.

“要想拥有成功的婚姻,你得学会当个好的聆听者,”杰在一段内心独白中说道。“You can’t have a successful marriage without being a good listener, ” Jay says in a confessional.

安妮·塞克斯顿是继西尔维亚·普拉斯之后第二位自杀的自白派诗人。As a confessional poet, Anne Sexton followed Sylvia Plath's example and ultimately committed suicide.

即使如此,伊夫的坦诚亲切让他成为今日苹果促销短片中的明星。Even then, Ive had the confessional intimacy that makes him the star of Apple promotional videos today.

时至今日这样来看它是政治不正确的,而且这些文字看来有点自白的意味。Nowadays it would be politically incorrect to view it like that and the engraving is a little bit confessional.

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自白派诗歌是第二次世界大战以后五、六十年代美国风行的许多诗歌风格流派之一。Confessional poetry is one of the poetic styles that were flourishing in America in 50s and 60s after World Warn.

普拉斯被誉为美国“自白派最富有才情的诗人”。Being the most talented Confessional Poet of America, Sylvia Plath takes poem as the way of releasing her emotion.

批评家普遍认为,“自白”文学是一种暴露真实生活经验的文学表达,强调文学对现实生活的写真和模仿。Confessional literature is widely read as revelation of authentic experience of life and as mimesis of external reality.