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在大雄殿左边的观音殿。On one side of Main Hall is Kwun Yum Hall.

百胜餐饮集团还拥有其他食品相关公司,像塔可钟快餐店Yum Brands owns other food-related chains like Taco Bell.

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Yum是一个针对没时间做饭的人的食品品牌。Yum is a food brand for people without free time to cook.

例如百胜集团,他们在中国可是拥有超过16万的员工!Yum Brands, for instance, has about 160, 000 employees in China.

新界群峦起伏,嘉道理农场的观音山耸立其中。Kwun Yum Shan at Kadoorie Farm, amidst the New Territories ranges.

总部在路易斯维尔的百胜集团拥有连锁餐厅肯德基、必胜客和塔可钟。Louisville-based Yum owns the KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell chains.

软件包管理主要是由百胜公用程式。Software package management is primarily handled by the yum utility.

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命运9荫仁静从这个角度上是下落不明。The fate of the 9 Yum Jen Ging from that point on is unaccounted for.

著名的辣味冬荫功配大虾和泰式宽河粉。Flat thai rice noodle in our very famous spicy tom yum soup with king prawns.

中国放慢了分析家说,百盛集团在几年内第一次将更依赖美国商业的增长。As China slows, analysts said Yum will be more reliant on growth from its U. S.

大奖最终落到了两只吉娃娃犬的头上,一只叫“美味烤龙虾”,另一只叫“汽水棒棒糖”。The grand prize went to Lobster Bake Yum Yum and Lolly Pop, two small Chihuahua's.

如果你一直很好,可以来一点疯狂美味的甜点,或者给自己一小块黑巧克力或浆果。Or treat yourself with little things like a little bit of dark chocolate or berries. Yum.

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截至到2010年,百胜集团在中国650个城市拥有3200家肯德基分店和500家必胜客分店。Yum had 3,200 KFC restaurants and 500 Pizza Huts in 650 Chinese cities at the end of 2010.

截至到2010年,百胜集团在中国650个城市拥有3200家肯德基分店和500家必胜客分店。Yum had 3, 200 KFC restaurants and 500 Pizza Huts in 650 Chinese cities at the end of 2010.

虽然百胜在中国开设了更多餐厅,但麦当劳却赢得了更多投资者。McDonald's is winning with investors, even though Yum is building more restaurants in China.

非洲地区各国政府政治上日趋稳定,人口众多,中产阶级不断壮大,而且以鸡为主食,因此百盛集团把目光投向这块大陆。Yum Brands Unit Plans to Double Number of Outlets on Continent, Where Middle Class Is Growing

所有旧房子的故事,是政府文保荫泽的只是极少数。All old houses have stories to be the Government Wenbao Yum Chak's only a very small minority.

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这一对在北美洲出土的有1千年历史的高柱瓶,曾经被用来装最原始的巧克力来喝。Yum . This pair of 1000-year-old vases was used to drink the first chocolate in North America.

百胜集团周二表示,已经在季末过后调高菜单价格,以协助抵御成本上扬.Yum said on Tuesday it raised menu prices after the quarter ended to help offset higher costs.

但百胜餐饮集团对撤除反式脂肪酸的号召,刚一出台时的回应十分有趣But Yum Brands responded in a very interesting way when the call to remove trans fat first came out.