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隐士隐居者,遁世者,尤。A recluse or hermit, especially a religious recluse.

给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣的随性之歌。Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

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那个时候,我最喜欢的是延长路平型关路口的清平檐。At that time, the pub I enjoyed most was the Recluse Eaves.

黑寡妇球腹蛛和褐皮花蛛都是有毒蜘蛛。The black widow and brown recluse are both venomous spiders.

于是一介布衣,潜心在山林中独居修行。Then he gave up everything to remain a recluse practitioner.

回到美国后,她开始渐渐退出演艺圈,转而写回忆录。Back in America, she became a recluse and wrote a splendid memoir

立刻起身冲进善柔的房间里面。"Recluse in Taoyuan" immediately starts to hurtle into gentle room.

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棕色隐士蜘蛛咬伤通常可以像常见的靶心。Brown recluse spider bites can often look like the common bull's-eye.

隐逸文化是绽放在中华文化之树上的一朵奇葩。The recluse culture with a long history is a miracle of Chinese culture.

陶渊明是中国历史上最有名也是最值得钦佩的隐士。Tao Yuanming is the most famous and the admirable recluse in Chinese history.

更糟的是,一个邪恶的出家人则为人神所共同嫌恶。Worse still is an evil recluse who is repulsively loathsome to gods and men alike.

但现在,我必须照开给我的处方生活,我还得把这个隐士继续当下去。As for now, I must follow the recipe that has been prescribed to me. I must remain a recluse.

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深感白龙风险的江湖飘来到江上隐居之地,意欲接走老爷子。The risk of deeply white dragon river to river drifting, intended to take the land recluse he.

曾有访客在其居住地新罕布什尔州见过他,把他描绘成一位不修边幅的隐士。Visitors who caught sight of him in New Hampshire where he lived described an unkempt recluse.

时空的苍茫更加丰盈了一首首至远古而来的吟哦,这朵隐逸之花在岁月的深巷流光溢彩。The vast space be full one song to ancient time to sing, a recluse spent years called ambilight.

让疑惑者理解沙门说的种种事物,在知识之路上学习。Let a doubter train himself by way of insight to understand these states as taught by the Recluse.

隐逸文化是以隐士为载体来反映和传播的文化复合体。Recluse culture is the cultural complex, which is reflected and spread by the recluses as carriers.

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本文试从儒家思想和佛教禅宗这两方面入手来探讨王维隐逸的心路历程。The present paper, from the aspects of Confucianism and Zen, probes into the psychoanalysis of his recluse.

中国古代的隐逸之风源远流长,最早可以追溯到传说中的上古唐尧时代。The fashion to be a recluse in China"s ancient times had a long history, tracing back to Pre-Tang Yao Times."

南阳人刘子骥是个志向高洁的隐士,听到这件事后,高高兴兴地打算前往,但未能实现。It was said that in Nanyang there was a man named Liu Ziji , a recluse who had noble and unsullied aspirations.