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这张照片是在大开曼岛的伊登岩下拍摄的。The picture was taken at Eden Rock, Grand Cayman.

是啊。昨天的开曼群岛简直就是天堂。Yes. Oh, the Cayman Islands yesterday were heaven.

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生于贝鲁特南部的巴克林,出身于曼家族。Born in southern Bake Lin, born in the Cayman family.

小开曼岛上有一所政府办的小学。On Little Cayman there is 1 government primary school.

鱼的学校图片。马眼杰克游泳在密集的学校在开曼群岛。Horse-eye jack swim in a dense school in the Cayman Islands.

光线在开曼群岛平静、清澈的海水中发生折射。Light refracts through the calm, clear waters of the Cayman Islands.

中芯国际于2000年成立,注册于开曼群岛,总部设立于中国。Established in 2000, we are a Cayman Islands company strategically located in China.

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世界拳击协会成立于1967年,主席是曼多萨。World Boxing Association, founded in 1967, is the Chairman of the Cayman more Savimbi.

Mulloy还表示,英特尔已为其开曼群岛上的子公司利得在美国付税。Intel pays U.S. taxes on interest earned by its Cayman Island subsidiaries, Mulloy said.

适用于开曼群岛豁免公司及非本地公司的建议新收费如下。The proposed fee increases for Cayman exempt and non-resident companies are listed below.

在不久的将来公司将一步步脚踏实在将产品曼延至全国市场。In the near future will be step by step foot until it is the product of the Cayman market.

这些岛屿实际上是开曼槽的顶端——加勒比海最深的海沟。These islands are actually the peaks of the Cayman Trough, the Caribbean Sea's deepest trench.

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本公司于开曼群岛注册成立,并获豁免缴纳开曼群岛税项。The Company is incorporated in the Cayman Islands and is exempt from taxation in the Cayman Islands.

MIE注册于开曼群岛,但其主要高管的办公地位于北京.MIE is incorporated in the Cayman Islands but its principal executive offices are located in Beijing.

在纽约证交所上市时,药明康德采用的是一种比较奇怪的存托凭证,而这又与一家开曼群岛的公司有关联。WuXi trades on the New York Stock Exchange through an odd depository share tied to a Cayman incorporation.

在开曼群岛上一个叫做“魔鬼鱼城”的景点,研究人员标记了那里的黄貂鱼,用以监视它们的动作和行为。Researchers tagged stingrays in Stingray City in the Cayman Islands to monitor their movements and behavior.

犹如薄纱那样展开它的柔软如羽毛的肢体,去捕捉浮游生物,这是在加勒比海的鳄鱼岛。A gossamer parasol spreads its feathery arms to catch plankton in the Caribbean waters of the Cayman Islands.

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热带风暴P风力加强,并且在靠近开曼群岛和古巴时向北移动。Tropical Storm Paloma is strengthening and turning to the north as it approaches the Cayman Islands and Cuba.

传说,很久很久以前,城市的边缘开满了大片的彼岸花,也就是曼珠沙华。Legend long, long ago, the city on the edge of the area full of the Bian Hua, which is the Cayman sand, beads.

用阿尔文潜水器研究西部加勒比海底面上转换边界-开曼群岛海槽。The submersible Alvin investigates the Cayman Trough, a transform boundary on the floor of the western Caribbean Sea.