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地板上蜡需要准备什么?How to prepare flooring for waxing?

我们什么时候给冲浪板上蜡?What time do we start waxing our boards?

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胡安娜说棉线修眉也“比使用蜜蜡更加准确。Threading is also "more defined than waxing.

莫妮卡和菲比试用“无痛”去腿毛膏。Monica and Phoebe try out a "painless" leg waxing kit.

指甲打蜡是为了让指甲光亮。Nail waxing is a process that makes your nails shinny.

今晚木星将会很靠近明亮的新月。Jupiter resides close to the waxing gibbous moon tonight.

今晚光辉四溢的木星和月亮拉近了距离。The planet Jupiter blazes near the waxing gibbous moon tonight.

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有一颗明亮的星昨天在今晚峨眉凸月的右边。There's a bright star right next to tonight's waxing gibbous moon.

在外国刑法史上,没收财产刑经历了由盛到衰的发展变迁过程。It has the waxing transition in the history of foreign criminal law.

在最右,地平线以上的是我们的月球,正处在打蜡新月阶段。On the far right, above the horizon, is our Moon, in a waxing crescent phase.

水果经清洗打蜡后色泽鲜丽,外观悦目。Wash the fruit, after waxing brighter color, appearance, pleasing to the eye.

今晚,明亮的新月会让天王星在漆黑的夜空中出现。Tonight, the bright waxing gibbous moon erases Uranus from the blackboard of night.

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用脱毛蜡也行,但这样的话要每4-6周重复一次。Waxing is another way to shape your brows, but it must be repeated every 4-6 weeks.

今晚,满月的月亮照亮了金牛座的前面。Tonight, the waxing gibbous moon shines in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull.

科学研究发现,一颗距离我们1500光年的炽热行星像月亮一样具有盈亏现象。A super-hot planet 1500 light years away has been seen waxing and waning like the moon.

在这个版本中,狼人是一位相当体面的男士,但在他进入发蜡沙龙后就变了。In this version, the Wolfman is a pretty decent guy until he visits a hair waxing salon.

我有非常浓密的汗毛,过去11年我一直使用蜜蜡脱毛,开始的9年,我的汗毛总是毫无变化地长回来。I have very thick course African American hair. I have been waxing for the past 11 years.

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上蜡去除腋毛是有问题的头发,从而在这一领域,应该避免。Waxing is problematic for removing underarm hair and thus should be avoided in this area.

现在,脱毛是可能影响毛发的厚度和其他方面的头发再生。Now with waxing it is possible to affect the thickness and other aspects of hair regrowth.

自从史前的年代,人们就开始通过月相观察月球的盈亏。Since prehistoric times, people have watched the moon waxing and waning through its phases.