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录音情书。An audiotape letter.

你们现在只是在听录音带。Now, you're only listening to an audiotape.

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如果条件允许,将你的演讲视频或者录音录下来。If possible, video- or audiotape your speech.

不要听音乐或者新闻、录音带。Don’t listen to music or news or an audiotape.

美国中央情报局称最近发布的本拉登的一段录音带是真实的。The CIA says the recently released audiotape of Osama bin Laden is real.

周五刚刚发布的录像带中,伊拉克的基地组织宣称其已调兵了12,000名。In a new audiotape released Friday, Al-Qaida in Iraq claims that it has mobilized 12,000 fighters.

如果可能的话,将评估制成录音磁带,或者,甚至更好的办法是附上这篇讲道的录音带。If at all possible, this evaluation should be done with audiotape or, even better, with a videotape of the sermon.

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如果条件允许,将你的演讲视频或者录音录下来。事后回放音频或视频,找出一些需要改进的地方。If possible, video- or audiotape your speech. Review the tape to learn areas of strength and those needing improvement.

电视中的语言信息可以是正确拼字的,但常常更口语化,并且因为使用录像带和磁带,是短暂的。Linguistic information in television can be orthographic, but more often it is oral and, as with audiotape and radio, transient.

尽管录音的声音听起来很像本拉登,这份音频还没有获得西方情报部门的承认。While the voice on the recording appeared to resemble bin Laden, the audiotape has yet to be authenticated by Western intelligence.

当没有他人相助,教师可藉用书写工具、錄音带和錄影带,得到教学所表现的资料。When no one is available to help, teachers can use written instruments and videotape or audiotape to obtain information about teaching performance.

为了对全部肌肉群进行,你可以预先制作录制带,或者,你只要学会肌肉群顺序,然后按记忆进行练习。You can use a prerecorded audiotape to help you go through all the muscle groups, or you can just learn the order of muscle groups and work through them from memory.

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2001年以来他就成了基地组织的发言人,在多个宣传视频、录音带或是文章中,扎瓦西里以极富煽动性的语言攻击他的敌人们。Since 2001 he has become the voice of al-Qaida, sending dozens of propaganda messages by video, audiotape and written text, spouting fiery rhetoric against his enemies.

几周后,阿拉伯半岛电视台播放了拉登的录音,在里面,他赞扬了基地组织在伊拉克的新领导人——阿布·穆萨布·扎卡维。A few weeks later, the Al Jazeera television network broadcast an audiotape attributed to bin Laden, in which he praised Al Qaeda’s new leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

在量刑阶段发挥了录音带,杰夫斯是听到轻声告诉五个年轻女孩,“抛开你所有的禁忌”,因为他给了他们关于如何取悦他的性的指示。In an audiotape played during the sentencing phase, Jeffs was heard softly telling five young girls to "set aside all your inhibitions" as he gave them instructions on how to please him sexually.