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这种方法能够直观的检测光脉冲是否含有啁啾。It was an intuitionist method for judge whether have a chirp in laser pulse.

进口PLC全自动电脑控制系统,触摸屏操作简便、直观。Imported PLC fully computer-controlled system, ouch screen is intuitionist and easy to operate.

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近期神经心理学研究的一些成果证实了社会直觉模型的理念。Recent achievements in neurological psychology proved the viewpoint of the social intuitionist mode.

用户面对的是直观的图形或对话框,避免直接面对繁琐的数据。So the users are in the face of the intuitionist graphic or dialog box, and then the cumbersome data is avoided.

经过实例可以看出,该方法的评价结果直观、可以显示出更多的细微信息,更加符合实际情况。Testified by the experiment, results of evaluation are intuitionist with more details, and approach to the fact better.

对热电偶的基本定律的教学方法进行了研究,给出一个较为直观的学生容易掌握的推导方法。We probe into teaching of the basic laws, get an intuitionist deducible method which brings on student easily to hold it.

对不同调度策略的仿真结果进行比较分析,找出不同调度策略的优劣。Simulated different strategies of in-out warehouse by Flexsim get the intuitionist three-dimensional process for in-out warehouse.

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把握德育的辩证本性需要超越直观思维,转而运用马克思主义以实践论为基础的辩证思维。Grasping the dialectic nature of moral education need transcend intuitionist thinking, and apply dialectic thinking of Marxism based on practical theory.

在视觉美学形态中分别从故事漫画的整体上和画面中去考察其特有的审美价值。However, in the configuration of visual aesthetics, its unique appreciative value is explored from the general integrity of comics and their intuitionist drawings.

同时应用三元图表方法得出的直观统计结果也同样说明上述结论,并尝试对不同鸟类后肢骨骼的运动机能进行推断。Moreover, the intuitionist statistic results by ternary diagrams also account for above conclusion, and try to deduce the locomotion of the different avian hindlimbs.

同时应用三元图表方法得出的直观统计结果也同样说明上述结论,还尝试对不同鸟类后肢骨骼的运动机能进行推断。Moreover, the intuitionist statistic results by ternary diagrams also account for above conclusion, and try to deduce the locomotion of the different avian hindlimbs.

同时,本文还对利用GOCAD建立三维地质模型做初步研究,使乐山市区地质结构更直观反映,弥补了MAPGIS系统在三维建模方面的不足。Besides all mentioned above, the 3d geological model for geologic study in the use of GOCAD is built for Leshan city which makes its geological structure more intuitionist.

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通过展示,给人以艺术审美情趣,不再是直观地表现,而是艺术的再现、品牌形象的延伸。Through the exhibition, people can be impressed by the aesthetic orientation. That is not intuitionist , but the reappearance of the art and the promotion of the brand image.

通过实际工程检验,评价结果直观简单,较好地反映了在役桥梁结构的安全性状况,证明了该评价方法的可行性与实用性。The method is proved feasible and practical through being applied to the practical project, with an intuitionist and simple result of evaluation reflecting the safety status of existing bridge.

经实际工程检验,评价结果直观简单,较好地反映了在役桥梁结构的承载力状况。The method is proved feasible and practical through being applied in the practical project, with an intuitionist and simple result of evaluation reflecting the load bearing status of existing bridge.