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伯尔尼被选定为他的居住地。Berne was chosen as his place of residence.

一年之后,她来伯尔尼两人住在了一块。After a year, she comes to live with him in Berne.

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在苏黎世,巴塞尔,伯尔尼和同样的法律已经确定。At Zürich, Basle, and Berne the same laws were established.

摄影展在北京和伯尔尼两地同时进行。The exhibition was held simultaneously in Beijing and Berne.

在1528年,他的陪同下,后者的宗教争议在伯尔尼。In 1528 he accompanied the latter to the religious disputation at Berne.

在伯尔尼只需几秒钟的事在弗里堡要几个小时,到了卢塞恩就得好几天。What took seconds in Berne might take hours in Fribourg, or days in Lucerne.

每天下午,伯尔尼城的居民集合在克拉姆街西头。Every afternoon, the townspeople of Berne convene at the west end of Kramgasse.

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根据伯尔尼公约的解释,作者道德上的权利有以下几种As defined by the Berne Convention, the moral rights of an author are as follows

如果您想用一天的时间来了解瑞士的话,那么去伯尔尼是再好不过的选择了。If you would like to one day come to understand Switzerland, then to Berne is a better choice.

他就读于瑞士伯尔尼国际学院,根据包括首尔东亚日报在内的媒体报道。He attended the International School of Berne in Switzerland, according to media including the Seoul-based Dong-A Ilbo newspaper.

1880年,鲁道夫·林特在其瑞士伯恩的工厂里,发明了一种更顺滑口味更佳的巧克力机器。In 1880 Rodolphe Lindt, in his factory in Berne in Switzerland, invented a machine which produced a smoother, better tasting chocolate.

里昂后卫格罗索在泊尔尼替补时用表现抓住了机会,因此可能会获得多纳多尼的信任。Lyon stopper Fabio Grosso also made a good case for a start after coming on as a substitute in Berne and could have earned Don's trust.

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还有一份名义上申请批准俄文译本的信,那个国家也同样没有参加伯尔尼公约。Then there was a nominal request for his permission for a Russian translation, that country being likewise outside the Berne Convention.

此外,还有取自伦敦、牛津、剑桥、巴黎、法兰克福、马尔堡、慕尼黑、苏黎世、伯尔尼、比利时、莱顿、以及海牙的资料。Subsequently, search was made in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, Frankfurt, Marburg, Munich, Zurich, Berne , Brussels, Leyden, and The Hague.

在伯尔尼协定中,定义了两个道德义务,即对原作者的尊重和对其作品的完整性的尊重。In Berne Convention, there are two moral rights, i. e. the right to attribution of authorship, and the right to respect for integrity of one's work.

伯尔尼古城于公元12世纪建在阿勒河环绕的山丘上,古城几百年来不断发展进步,但城市的规划理念却始终如一。Founded in the 12th century on a hill site surrounded by the Aare river, Berne developed over the centuries in line with a an exceptionally coherent planning concept.

作为在旅游者之中十分的城市,伯尔尼的城市建筑主要是以中世纪为主,标志型建筑是15世纪建成的大教堂和15世纪的城市礼堂。A pleasant city which is extremely popular with tourists, Berne city is mainly medieval in architecture, with an outstanding 15th-century cathedral and a 15th-century town hall.

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正准备启动关爱老人城市项目的许多城市,如西班牙多诺希亚-塞瓦斯蒂安市和瑞士伯尔尼市等,与世卫组织关爱老人规划人员进行了联系。The programme team has been contacted by many additional cities that are now initiating age-friendly city projects, such as Donostia-San Sebastian in Spain and Berne in Switzerland.

首先对爱因斯坦的生平,特别是爱因斯坦在瑞士伯尔尼专利局期间的情况进行分析,总结至少有三个原因使爱因斯坦能在科学探索过程中取得丰硕的成果。It first of all briefly introduces Einstein's life, especially his years in the Swiss patent office at Berne , and lists at least three factors accounting for Einstein's great achievements in science.