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您是否使用发料单?Do you have and use a dispatch list?

将选择器用于简单的分派Using a selector for simple dispatch

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一旦派送确认,此用例就结束了。The use case ends once dispatch is confirmed.

契丹的国书上是怎么说来着?What was in the dispatch sent by the Khitans?

假如让我选,我就派你往,简。If it was my choice, I would dispatch you, Jane.

请赶快将这些电报发出去。Please hurry up the dispatch of these telegrams.

假如让我选,我就派你去,简。If it were my choice, I be to dispatch you, Jane.

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这是分为三部分的系列报道中的最后一篇。This is the final dispatch in a three-part series.

在多数情况下,分派速度会降低。Under most circumstances, dispatch speed degrades.

这位记者从香港发出了他的电讯稿。The correspondent sent his dispatch from Hong Kong.

我们对派出维持和平部队此举表示欢迎。We welcome the dispatch of the peace-keeping force.

BL发文区,让我们看看你的好文笔吧!BL dispatch area, let us have a look your good writing!

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向客户发送派送确认通知。A dispatch confirmation notice was sent to the customer.

分派系统在此处是作为调出节点实现的。The dispatch system is implemented here as a callout node.

汤姆问。如果让我选,我就派你去,简。Asked Tom. If it was my choice, I would dispatch you, Jane.

邮局将在下一次邮班把这些信件发送出去。The Post Office will dispatch the letters by the next post.

和讯贴吧管的不严,可以狂发链接。Stick with dispatch of the canal lax, can send a link madly.

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获取订单支付款项并向客户派送物品。Take order payment and dispatch order items to the customer.

我们得派人把急件由罗马送往伦敦。We must ask someone to carry a dispatch from Rome to London.

他希望公司能将他调到调到苏州的分部。He wishes the company to dispatch him to the branch in Suzhou.