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他是一个救护员。He is an ambulance man.

我会打电话叫救护车。I'll call an ambulance.

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我这里需要救护车,10-18区。I need an ambulance 10-18.

我如何能叫到救护车?How can I call an ambulance?

紧急走行、神戸市消防局救急车。An urgent run of an ambulance.

不一会儿,一辆救护车开来。Alittle later an ambulance came.

听起来象救护车的警笛。It sounds like an ambulance siren.

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忽然,一辆救护车驶近了。Suddenly, an ambulance approaches.

不一会儿,一辆捄护车到了。Moments later an ambulance arrived.

救护车急速向医院驶去。The ambulance sped to the hospital.

把他放平。我去叫救护车。Lay him down. I'll call an ambulance.

救护车丁当地沿街而过。The ambulance clanged down the street.

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撑下去,我去叫救护车。Hang in there. I'll call the ambulance.

救护车汽笛声让我汗毛直竖。The ambulance siren made my skin crawl.

救护车的驾使员有时也有阵亡的。Ambulance drivers were killed sometimes.

他们立即打电话要救护车。They rang for the ambulance immediately.

喂!你们两个,把他抬到救护车上去。Here! You two, get him into the ambulance.

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喂,你们两个把她抬到救护车上去。Here, you two, get her into the ambulance.

知道了。听起来象救护车的警笛。I know. It sounds like an ambulance siren.

救护车风驰电掣把我送到了医院。I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance.