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英国人喜欢留长头发的。Brit prefers the long hair.

说的好,为英国的自由。That's good for Brit freedom.

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英国人住的是红房子。The Brit lives in the red house.

你的口气就像韩裔英国人说的。Speaking as an ethnically korean brit.

但事实上,这个小伦敦汉子也不过就是剃着板寸,外加柔声细气而已。In fact, this shaved-headed, soft-spoken Brit is anything but.

一个小贱民,用他的英国主子赐给他的奴隶名字在这里发帖。Little krishna posting under slave name given by his Brit masters.

在上星期的全英音乐颁奖典礼的表演上,她脱下了戒指。She performed at the Brit Awards last week minus her wedding ring.

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我们是生而自由的英国人或者美国被遗忘的人们。Us is the freeborn Brit or the forgotten men and women of America.

Photogs抓住了英国人,和她的两个儿子在机场,在新奥尔良。Photogs caught Brit and her two sons at the airport in New Orleans.

此次在全英音乐奖上的成功再次证实了她飙升的人气。Her success at the Brit Awards merely confirmed her surging popularity.

从这一曲目获得的所有收益将会进入英国基金。All proceeds generated from the sale of the track go towards the Brit Trust.

全英音乐奖是英国唱片产业协会的年度流行音乐盛典。The BRIT Awards are the British Phonographic Industry's annual pop music awards.

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尽管如此,历史上的确存在那种所谓的僵硬却又勇敢的英国人。Nonetheless, there really was once something to the notion of the stiff but doughty Brit.

所有获奖者在英国秀之后享受大规模的唱片销售涨潮。All the award winners enjoyedenjoy a massive surge in album sales following the Brit Show.

演员承认,他用他作为一个英国人的作用古怪的举止,克里斯多。The actor admits he used many of the mannerisms of Chris for his role as an eccentric Brit.

2008年他们获得了两个英国音乐奖,2009年和2010年各捧回一座格莱美最佳歌曲奖奖杯。In 2008 they received two Brit Awards and also won the Grammy Award for best song in 2009 and 2010.

这位24岁的英国歌唱得奖主,是否有财产损失,并没披露。It has not been disclosed whether the 24-year-old Brit Award winner was at the property at the time.

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既然比赛已经最终达成协议,克里琴科说他期盼承受这条小鲱鱼。Now that the fight has finally been agreed, Klitschko says he is looking forward to taking on the Brit.

美国版的巅峰拍档简直就是垃圾啊,那三个主持人缺乏英国主持人的那种魅力和幽默感。The Top Gear US version was crap, the threepresenters lacked the Brit version of their charm and humor.

黑名单的概念已经在英国进行复制,这就是英国名单,并且这个名单已经证明了他同样具有威力。The concept has now been replicated in the UK with the Brit List, and it's already proving just as powerful.