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他爱好昆虫学。His hobby is entomology.

澳大利亚昆虫学杂志。Australian Journal of Entomology.

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H村虽在历史上默默无闻,却在昆虫学的编年史上享有盛名。In the annals of entomology it is well known.

这是爱荷华州立大学昆虫学系的网站。This is the website of Department of Entomology at Iowa State University.

模式标本保存于上海昆虫研究所。The types are preserved in the Shanghai Institute of Entomology , Academia Sinica.

第一次看到一只活生生的臭虫时,我已经当了15年的昆虫学教授,当时它正从一个装胶卷的塑料小筒里爬出来。I had been a professor of entomology for 15 years before I saw my first live bedbug.

早在应用昆虫学发展的初期,就已开始植物抗虫性的研究。The study of plant resistance to insects dates back to earliest days of applied entomology.

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本文着重简述与昆虫学相关的国内外电子期刊资源。In this paper, the entomology -related electronic journal resources were briefly introduced.

昆虫学研究中常常会遇到对昆虫数量进行统计的工作。In the Entomology research, counting the individual numbers of Insects often frustrate the workers.

应用昆虫学的概念和实践大都发端于那石器时代的科学。The concepts and practices of applied entomology for the most part date from that Stone Age of science.

国际联机DIALOG系统包含的许多农业数据库中可以检索到昆虫学信息。Entomology information could be retrieved in agriculture databases of DIALOG international online system.

当我还是大学生的那个春天,每到周一我都要到昆虫学大厦的中心区,在那我都会碰见杰克.弗朗克蒙教授。One spring when I was a graduate student, I would go each Monday down into the bowels of the entomology building.

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目的本课题旨在探索新的法医昆虫学种属鉴定方法。Objective. The purposes of our work are to establish new methods of species identification in forensic entomology.

“我们学到了很多,”该大学的昆虫学和野生动物系教授K·A·曼尼说。“We’ve learned quite a lot, ” said K.A. Monney, a professor in the university’s entomology and wildlife department.

第十七届国际昆虫学大会于1984年8月20~26日在联邦德国汉堡市召开。The X VII international congress of entomology was held in Hamburg, Federal RePublic of Germany, on August 20-26, 1984.

经济昆虫学研究的第一次真正发展是在19世纪的最后二十几年。It was first in the last quarter of the 19th century that the real advance was made in the study of economic entomology.

荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的科研人员揭示了这种现象背后的机制。PhD candidate Remco Suer from the chair group Entomology of Wageningen University has uncovered a mechanism for this behavior.

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法医昆虫学很容易使人联想到蛆和谋杀案,但实际上昆虫还可以以各种不同的方式为我们提供帮助。Forensic entomology tends to be thought of just as maggots and murders, but there are many diverse ways in which insects can help.

布朗系昆虫学和植物病理学,密西西比州立大学的题为“近场声通信的蚂蚁”。Brown, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Mississippi State University entitled "Nearfield acoustic communication by ants".

然而蜂群并不像听上去那么快乐,这也是沃代尔先生——这位昆虫学博士和货真价实的蜜蜂大夫——来到此地的原因。But the bees are not as happy as they sound, which is why Mr Wardell, who has a PhD in entomology and is a de facto bee doctor, is here.