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瑞典黑金属。Swedish Black Metal.

难道传说中的金发女孩是瑞典人?Maybe Goldilocks was Swedish?

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当然就是瑞典肉丸子。The of course, Swedish meatballs.

就是瑞典语的“去死吧。”" That's Swedish for "Go to hell.

瑞典在战斗中死亡金属乐队。Swedish death metal band In Battle.

其中一部是瑞典语表演。One of them is a Swedish performance.

现在瑞典葡聚糖相当统一。Swedish dextran was now fairly uniform.

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丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。Danish and Swedish are allied languages.

另一位著名的菜肴,瑞典肉圆。Another famous dishes, Swedish Meatballs.

瑞典鞭挞金属乐队2吨的“捕食者”。Swedish thrash metal band 2 Ton Predator.

那里今天会是瑞式还是日式指压按摩?。Now will it be Swedish or shiatsu massage today?

他坚定地要挑战瑞典的霸权。He was determined to challenge Swedish supremacy.

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瑞典队是怎么输给中国队的?How did the Swedish Team lose to the Chinese Team?

瑞典国家道路与运输研究所。Swedish National Road and Transport Research Inst.

瑞典残酷死亡金属乐队内脏出血。Swedish brutal death metal band Visceral Bleeding.

你想要一个瑞典式的,还是日式的按摩?Did you want to get a swedish or a shiatsu massage?

瑞典队是怎么输给中国队的?It serves to show the strength of the Swedish team.

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但对于瑞典来说,这些钱并不意味着什么。For the Swedish state, it will be money for nothing.

管理董事会的所有六名成员都是瑞典人。All six members of the supervisory board are Swedish.

她正猛追瑞典男爵以得到贵族头衔。She's going after the Swedish baron to win the title.