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经济学家基特·亚罗认为,这个估计还是保守的。Economist Kit Yarrow believes those estimates are on the low side.

你用龟板、蓍草占卦,没有不吉利的预兆。Your use of turtle shell, yarrow divination, there is no an unlucky omen.

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美国纽约州奥尔巴尼的戴维亚罗是一位有着电子学背景的研究者。David Yarrow of Albany, New York, is a researcher with a background in electronics.

西洋蓍草协助人们学会在交融与一致中彼此生活在一起。Yarrow assists humans in learning to live with one another in communion and community.

亚罗的管理阿尔伯特二格罗斯曼,谁在稍后的鲍勃迪伦相同容量的工作。Yarrow was managed by Albert B. Grossman, who later worked in the same capacity for Bob Dylan.

大地将抚慰我们的哀伤,除了展示美丽的冬青和夏草,还展示着其他的一切。Fwill soothe us in oui sorrow . That earth has something yet to show. The bonny holms of yarrow.

牛奶蛋白、海藻萃取、芦荟胶、小麦蛋白、蓍花草萃取、橘皮萃取。Chlorophyll, Milk Protein, Algae Extract, Aloe Vera, Wheat Protein, Yarrow Flowers Extract, Orange Peel Extract.

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甘草,蜀葵和西洋蓍草的精华能舒缓肌肤,有保湿和治疗功效。The extracts of licorice, marshmallow and yarrow milfoil relieve skin and exercise their moisturizing and healing effects.

亚罗本人解释说,电视屏幕上的美女帅哥太多了,他这么做就是为了让平凡人也有春天!Yarrow argues that there are too many beautiful people on television and he wants to strike a blow for the ordinary-looking man in the street.

但到2009年年中,雅罗说,在华盛顿WTOP电台说,她的病情再次恶化,他以为她将不再能够执行。But by mid-2009, Yarrow told WTOP radio in Washington that her condition had worsened again and he thought she would no longer be able to perform.

大胆、引人注目、激烈的蓍草粉红深具魅力、迷人刺激,它能振奋精神,更能刺激你的肾上腺素。Bold, attention getting and tempestuous, the lively Pink Yarrow is a captivating and stimulating color that lifts spirits and gets the adrenaline going.

保罗•亚罗是英国广播公司1频道、4频道、英国独立电视台、天空电视新闻网,甚至是驻卡塔尔的半岛电视新闻网的明星,他在今年英国电视新闻中出镜率高达100多次。Paul Yarrow —star of BBC1, ITV, Channel 4, Sky News and even the Qatar-based Al Jazeera network —has appeared on television more than 100 times this year.