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送料器自动送料,实现送料、压制自动化。It is auto feed, and realized roboticized feeding and pressing.

C3I系统的出现是指挥自动化的重大进展。The appearance of C3I system is great evolvement of command roboticized.

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现场总线是用于自动化系统最底层的现场设备或仪表互联的通信网络。Field bus is a net work via which all field equipments and meters intercommunicate in a roboticized system.

实现了网络授权控制的自动化,满足了可寻址控制系统的要求。The software make the administration of CATV network roboticized and meet the need of the system basically.

随着连轧技术的出现,轧机越来越朝着大型化、连续化、自动化的方向发展。With the appearance of tandem rolling, the rolling mills become more and more large-sized, sequential and roboticized.

实验证明了该思想的合理性和有效性,与传统方法相比,该方法具有较高的自动化和智能化水平。The results show that the method is reasonable and valid, and more roboticized and intelligent comparing with the traditional method.

尤其对于微电子塑料封装,它具有成本低、工艺简单、易适合进行大规模的自动化生产的特点。Especially the plastics packages of micro-electronics, it has the character of lowly cost, simple craft as well as large-scale and roboticized production.

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汽车工业是衡量一个国家制造业综合水平的重要产业,汽车制造的自动化程度高低反映一个国家的工业水平。Automobile manufacturing is important industry to scale integrated level of national manufacturing, and its roboticized level reflects national industrial level.

随着机械设备向高速化、自动化和复杂化方向发展,设备的故障诊断技术越来越受到重视。With the development of the machinery becomes more high-speed, roboticized and complicated, equipment fault diagnosis technology has been getting more attention.

蛋白质组学是旨在研究蛋白质表达谱和蛋白质与蛋白质之间相互作用的新领域,其研究必须依赖高通量、高自动化的技术。Proteomics is a new field to research protein expression profiling and the protein-protein interaction. It must depend on high flux and high roboticized techniques.

而居于这个厚实的源头,道尔人更希望为门窗智能化、自动化的整体发展,为改善人文居住,工作环境做出更多的贡献。We hope do further contribute for the develop for the intelligentize , roboticized door &window , improve the inhabitancy for people and the employment circumstance.

液下搅拌机器人可取代传统的大型机械搅拌装置,具有体积小,能耗少等优点。The roboticized pug mill working under water-coal slurry which has the advantage of small-volume and less consumed energy can supersede the traditional mechanical churn-dasher.

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南京分析仪器厂和我校正在研制的CX8800工业色谱仪具有双炉多流路防爆智能化处理、自诊断、自动化水平等性能。The CX8800 chromatograph designed by Nanjing analysis apparatus factory and our university has double kilns, multiflows and it is also intelligentized, self-checked, roboticized.

GPS技术在公共安全监测领域中的应用正向高精度、实时化和自动化的方向发展。GPS公共安全监测不仅注重结果,还要分析产生变形的原因。The technology of GPS applied in public security monitoring is developing toward the high precision, real time and roboticized way with the attention paid to the result and the cause of deformation.