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一日刷牙三遍脂肪失踪不见?Brushing 3 Times a Day Keeps Flab Away?

你现在比我刚认识你的时候要瘦多了!You don't want that flab to get worse, do you?

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最可能的脂肪和松弛放在你动脉阻塞。The fats most likely to put on flab and clog your arteries.

实际上,如果你想去除你身体里面多余的脂肪,就吃多点水果热量。In fact have more of fruit calories if you want to get rid of that excess flab from your body.

在睡眠过程你的身体也会燃烧脂肪,除非它被忙于处理一个填饱的胃。Your body can burn flab while you sleep, but only if it isn't too busy processing a full stomach.

在这两家公司成功完成业务拆分之后,大型石油公司也纷纷效仿,对公司的资产进行“瘦身”。In the wake of these splits, Big Oil companies will be looking at their assets to trim extra flab.

我要去附近的田径场做些运动,这样可以锻炼在学校的那段时间中积累的肥肉。I'm going to the nearby track so that I can burn off some of this flab I accumulated during the school year.

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而且大部分赘肉来自我们草草吞下的下酒菜,并非酒水本身。And most of the flab comes from food we polish off when we've been drinking, rather than from the alcohol itself.

科学家发现,一种与脂肪代谢有关的基因特殊变体能够帮助人们对抗“中年发福”的现象。Researchers found that a particular variant in a gene linked to fat metabolism may help fight flab around the middle.

适当的摄入一些卡路里较低的营养品以及食物,再配合减肥药,可以帮助降低脂肪吸收。A proper intake of nutrients and food with fewer calories along with diet pills can help to lose the flab effectively.

这都有助于塑造你的胸部、背部、腿及手臂肌肉,并消耗掉覆盖住你腹肌的赘肉。It all helps you add serious size to your chest, back, legs, and arms, while finishing off the flab that covers your abs.

西方人好像是很容易发胖,一旦胖了就很难瘦下去.如果不运动,肥肉就不会消失?我倒不认为所有的西方人都像这样。It's never that easy. A lot of westerners are like me, they grow flab very easily. If I don't exercise, the flab won't go away.

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面对中国繁荣背后越来越多的问题——污染、交通不畅、肥胖人群壮大,一些政府的空想家们把回归使用自行车当作解决的答案。Some dreamers in government see a return to the bike as an answer to China's growing problems of prosperity—pollution, traffic and flab.

据一项调查得出的结果,女星在20多快30的阶段,具有比其他年龄层更多的时间与更坚定的毅力使自己瘦下来。Women in their late twenties shed flab faster because they have more time and willpower than those of other ages, according to a survey.

这种食品科学技术作为对抗肥胖的最新的解决手段,同样也是其他食品公司的研究重点。This avenue of food science, which is also being pursued by other food companies, could represent a fresh assault in the fight against flab.

现代一成不变的生活方式很容易使人发胖,所以我们在这里为你提供了一些实用的减肥小贴士。With a modern, sedentary lifestyle it is very easy to put on weight. Here are some practical tips to fight the flab and get your weight down.

英国最近公布的一项调查结果显示,为了迎接新年的到来,英国有四分之一的上班族想要辞去现在的工作。It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2005 by quitting their jobs.

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英国最近公布的一项调查结果显示,迎接新年的到来,英国有四分的上班族想要辞去现在的工作。It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2010 by quitting their jobs.

我想可能是疝气,我起来开始对着镜子检查检查自己,我被挂在自己肚子上的胀起击溃了。Thinking I'd given myself a hernia, I got up to check myself in the mirror, and was repulsed by the bulge I saw hanging out of my gut. Then I realised it was just my own flab.

我们可能失去包括我们的天赋、人性、爱和诚实的斤两,或者对我认识的一位督察而言,是在屁股上长一圈难看的赘肉。We may be losing the pounds that contain our genius, our humanity, our love and honesty or, in the case of one inspector general I knew, put some unsightly flab around the hips.