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而蜂鸟的大脑比指尖还要小。The hummingbird's brain is smaller than a fingertip.

指尖绕过的流年,沾染春温秋素的时光。Fingertip around the year, with warm spring Qiusu time.

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带着断指尽快就医。Bring the fingertip to a hospital as quickly as possible.

警察昨天继续对该地区进行拉网式搜查。Officers continued a fingertip search of the area yesterday.

耳朵——用你的指尖慢慢划过爱人的耳廓。Ears – Run your fingertip along the edge of your partner’s ear.

不过,接着我就看见他指尖上有一撮黑色粉末。But then I saw that he had a bit of black powder on his fingertip.

是修复指端皮肤缺损的有效方法之一。It is an effective procedure in coverage of fingertip skin defect.

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广袖流云,琴曲指尖凝,清水芙蕖脱尘嚣。Spread cloud, QinQu fingertip condensate, water are off the hubbub.

目的探讨指尖掌侧静脉在指尖再植中的作用。Objective To detect the effect of palm veins in fingertip replantation.

首先,你应该小心的把它弄的微湿,我曾经在手指上吐唾沫。First slightly and carefully moisten the ball, I used spit on my fingertip.

操作简便,翻转一张床的压力弹指一灰间。Simple operation to raise and lower a bed with the pressure of a fingertip.

对①个成天躺在沙发上的孩子来说,数码文化就在手边`。For a couch-potato child, digital culture is rarely more than a fingertip away.

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外科医生可能会在首个关节以下重接指头。A surgeon may try to reattach a fingertip that is cut off below the first joint.

目的介绍脉搏波信号无创伤采集系统应用。Objective Introduce a means to collect fingertip pulse wave in an unscarred means.

这就需要专家来锉平骨头或者将指头重接上。That requires a specialist to either file down the bone or reattach the fingertip.

人类的指尖有时可以重新生长出来,而且伤口能愈合成微小的伤疤。A human fingertip can sometimes grow back and cuts often heal with minimal scarring.

站在黄昏的夕阳里,触摸指尖淡淡的霞光,找不会曾经的温暖。The station in the evening sunset, touching fingertip light rays, can not have warm.

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目的探讨修复指端缺损感觉重建的新方法。Objective To establish new method to repair fingertip defect and reconstruct sensation.

有些创伤,像指头被切断的情况甚至需要外科手术来修复。Some injuries, like a fingertip that gets cut off, might even require surgery to repair.

目的回顾性分析特殊手指末节及指尖再植的临床效果。Objective To review the clinical result of replantation of specially amputated fingertip.