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一个国家在改变,旅居国外的人总是最后知道的。When a country changes things, the diaspora can be the last to know.

这些定居异乡、聪明睿智的印度人如同早前离散的犹太人,正在形成一股极具强势的人才力量。These clever NRI men and women now form a very powerful diaspora indeed.

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“散居”的另一处明智之举在于把目标定位在18到34岁的年轻用户群中。Another smart Diaspora thing is targeting younger users, people aged 18 to 34.

培养中国当局与侨居者的亲善关系。To cultivate enabling relationship with Chinese authorities here and diaspora.

可以说,秘密犹太人的历史几乎与与犹太人的历史一样的久远。The history of crypto-Jews can be traced back to the beginning of the Diaspora.

年轻而朝气蓬勃的海外伊朗人文学终于形成了。A young but flourishing literature of the Iranian Diaspora has finally taken hold.

近现代犹太民族在华散居史,始于19世纪后半叶。The Jewish Diaspora in modern China started in the second half of the 19th century.

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在加拿大散居着大量黎巴嫩人,其中必然包括真主党支持者。There is a large Lebanese diaspora in Canada which must include some Hizbollah supporters.

在华人群体中民族感深深地联系着这个国家,也包括了大量像我们这样的游子。Ethnicity runs deep in this country, among its people, and across the oceans of our diaspora.

比方说,在“散居”上你可以将联系人“分门别类”,例如朋友、家人和熟人。For example, on Diaspora you clump people into “Aspects” like Friends, Family, and Acquaintances.

还有就是土耳其没有强大的犹太人团体来保卫我们在塞浦路斯和种族灭绝问题上的权利。Another is Turkiye dont have a strong diaspora to defend our rights about Cyprus and genocide issues.

Ratha敦促发展中国家通过发行侨民债券来挖掘其海外侨民的财富。Ratha has urged developing countries to tap the wealth of their overseas diasporas by issuing diaspora bonds.

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Ratha最近敦促菲律宾、肯尼亚、巴基斯坦和加纳为海外工人提供侨民债券。Ratha recently urged the Philippines, Kenya, Pakistan, and Ghana to offer diaspora bonds to its overseas workers.

“在非洲,还没有人关注和认识到海外资源应用的重要性”Ratha解释到。"There hasn't been a concerted and recognized effort to mobilize diaspora resources in any manner, " Ratha explains.

战争的伤痕将会永远伴随着他们,而你也将会面对更加充满仇恨的移居浪潮。The wounds of war will scar them for ever, and you will have an even more bitter and hateful diaspora to contend with.

Diaspora9月发布了第一个版本的开发代码,并在11月底推出了内部测试版。Diaspora released the first version of the developer code in September, and launched in private alpha in late November.

另一个原因是,在侨居藏人中,文化身份和政治身份被看作是相辅相成的。Another reason is that, in the Tibetan diaspora , cultural and political identity are assumed to stand in for each other.

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然而,这可得是个非常巨大的经济复苏,才能吸引半数库克岛那些远渡重洋离乡背井的人回家。It would, however, require a truly epic economic renaissance to tempt back even half the Cook Islands' far-flung diaspora.

照着这些殖民者的心态,他们完全也可以把整个泰国和菲律宾人口都算作中国侨居移民。Based on the colonial mindset, the TE might as well classified whole of Thailand & Phillipines population as Chinese diaspora.

斐洛还以这种“散居观”为基础进行了实践活动。这就是斐洛领导犹太使团出使罗马。Philo not only presented the theory of Diaspora but practised it , that is the Jewry's diplomatic mission to Rome led by Philo.