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可能这里有一个原子。Might be an atom there.

卢瑟福叫道,‘原子已经被分裂了!The atom has been split!

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它是一个单电子原子。It is a one electron atom.

这里有一个单电子原子。This is a one electron atom.

薛定谔的原子一定会衰变。Schrodinger's atom will decay.

也就是说对于一个给定的原子。That is to say in a given atom.

这是每个原子所具有的电子伏特。This is electron volts per atom.

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好,我可以在这里放一个原子。Well, I could put atom one here.

每个体积元的体积都只有一个原子的大小。Each one about the size of an atom.

在原子的中心有原于核。The atom has a nucleus at its core.

在原子的中心有一个原子核。The atom has a nucleus at its core.

在原子的中心有唯一原于核。The atom have a nucleus at its core.

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锂二正离子是单电子原子。Lithium 2plus is a one electron atom.

原子的主体带正电荷。So, the bulk of the atom is positive.

氚原子多了两个中子。A tritium atom has two extra neutrons.

每个原子有三个自由度。Each atom has three degrees of freedom.

第一个原子中心被置于起始位置。The first atom is centered at the origin.

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也就是说电子会被束缚在原子内。That is to say it is confined to the atom.

我们将此过程称为原子站点分离。We call this process atom site separation.

氟原子极化率低。The polarizability of fluorine atom is low.