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该法令明文规定了强制令救济。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

该法律明文规定了强制令救济。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

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刑事救济规定对受害人进行充分补偿。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

其次,抗议可以“明白”或“隐含”地提出来。Second, such protests may be made "expressly or impliedly."

让他知道他在床上表现很好——但不要说得太露骨。Let him know he’s good in bed – without expressly saying it.

大博尔山在新约中从未被刻意地提及。Mount Tabor is never mentioned expressly in the New Testament.

那条街又窄又暗,仿佛是特意为他修的。This street was dark and narrow and seemed made expressly for him.

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只有这些诗表现了马克思的撒殚教思想吗?Were these poems the only expressly Satanist writings of Karl Marx?

主明白地制止?的子民跟不信的人结婚。The Lord expressly has forbidden His people to marry with unbelievers.

卫国的法令明文规定,私驾君王马车的人要判断足之刑。The duke of law, private driving expressly to judge the Kings of foot.

然而,想要找到明确拒绝马克思主义的学生也不容易。Still, it isn’t easy to find students who will expressly renounce Marxism.

在英国,法律的权威,明示或着暗示地,来自于议会。In UK the law derives its authority, expressly or impliedly, from Parliament.

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然而,它并未明确排除可转换交割或零息债券。However it expressly does not prevent delivery of convertible or zero-coupon bonds.

还有一些是为了这项工作而专门移居海外的沃尔恰年轻人。some were youngsters from Râmnicu Vâlcea who had moved overseas expressly for the job.

这些动词共有的中心意思的。明确和权威地阐述。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to set forth expressly and authoritatively.

废止或断绝代理,可以明示或暗示处理。The revocation or renunciation of an agency may be made expressly or impliedly by conduct.

许多彩色玻璃来自于若干法国教堂的窗户,专门为此次展出而拆卸下来。There is stained glass from a number of French church windows, removed expressly for this show.

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只有在乐普科书面确认的前提下,时间和期限才具有约束力。Timing and periods are only binding when these have been accepted expressly in writing by LPKF.

所有隐含销路的保证书或适合特殊用途的情形皆不包含在内。All implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use are expressly excluded.

1857年,上一位女王任期内的政府建造了伯林顿展览馆,明确指出是为他们而造。In 1857, the government of a previous queen had built Burlington House expressly to house them all.