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证可在售票处提前预定。Bookable in advance at the box office only with ID.

其他设施包括一个大阳台、自行车租赁和一个会议室。Facilities include a terrace and 2 bookable private saunas.

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BOB可以在该区域设置信号传送点并可接受直播摄像机预定。BOB might create and injection point and a bookable live camera in this zone.

拟订购买美加净牙膏大号1000罗请电告最低价格最快交货期。Bookable MAXAM dental cream large size 1000 gross please cable lowest price earliest delivery.

但是这名红军后卫幸运地逃过一劫,对于这次可期的侵犯主裁判菲儿·道德仅仅出示黄牌作为警告。The defender was lucky to get only a booking as referee Phil Dowd rated the incident as a bookable offence.

可以预订的相关或非相关设施,例如评论员位置、观察员座位以及摄像机位置等。Bookable associated or non-associated facility such as a commentary position, observer seat, camera position, etc.

西塞在他个人雷丁首场比赛中,由于下半场对皮萨罗的犯规吃到了第二张黄牌而被罚下场。The German international was once sent off against the Reds whilst playing for Newcastle for two bookable offences.

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西塞在他个人雷丁首场比赛中,由于下半场对皮萨罗的犯规吃到了第二张黄牌而被罚下场。Cisse saw red on his Reading debut for a second bookable offence following a foul on the striker in the second half.

然而,比赛的转折点来自于裁判威利给侵犯卢卡斯的西恩-戴维斯第二张黄牌而直接罚下。However, the turning point of the match came when official Alan Wiley elected to give Davis his marching orders for a second bookable offence on Lucas.

在第三季度末,Expedia和hotels.com品牌网站提供11万多家的酒店预订,其中包括63000家提供净价产品的酒店和将近48000家提供佣金模式的酒店。At quarter-end, Expedia and branded sites featured over 110,000 bookable properties, including 63,000 merchant properties and nearly 48,000 agency properties.

皇马替补上场的埃曼纽尔。阿德巴约单刀射门被巴萨门将平托扑出。在离全场比赛结束还有几秒的时间,迪马利亚累计两张黄牌被罚下。Real substitute Emmanuel Adebayor forced another great save from Pinto before Di Maria was sent off for a second bookable offence with just seconds remaining of the match.

就在不到1年之前,这位阿根廷中场就因为在这块场地上不断和裁判争执而领到自己的第二张黄牌并被罚下。Just less than 12 months ago, the Argentina captain was sent off a minute before half-time for a second bookable offence when referee Steve Bennett cautioned him for dissent.

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由于这主要是一家过境酒店,所以可以预订班车从九龙到半岛的尽头,很方便到大商店及天星小轮到香港。As this is mainly a transit hotel a bookable shuttle bus runs through Kowloon to the end of the Peninsula and convenient for the big stores and Star ferries to Hong Kong Island.

本内特没有判曼联禁区内的手球,并且在斯科尔斯对帕拉西奥斯犯规时,拒绝掏出第二张黄牌将斯科尔斯罚下,因为他受到质疑。But Bennett came under fire for not awarding Wigan a penalty for handball and then opting not to send off Paul Scholes for a second bookable offence when he fouled Wilson Palacios.

斯科尔斯也将会因为门线手球迟到的红牌停赛一场,鲁尼则是连拿两张黄牌,然后遭到停赛。Paul Scholes will serve his one-game punishment for his red card for handball at Fulham while Rooney will watch from the stands against Villa after two bookable offences at Craven Cottage.

Gekko在今日推出测试版,提供超过55000家酒店的推荐,这个数据库正在迅速扩大,而下个月将会增加1万家餐馆可供预订。Starting today in Beta, Gekko can already make recommendations from its quickly expanding database of more than 55, 000 hotels, with 10, 000 bookable restaurants being added in the next month.