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你死定了,土包子兔子。Youre dead, bunny bumpkin.

就连兔八哥都能配上瓦格纳。Even Bugs Bunny did Wagner.

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看不看得到一只愤怒的兔子?Can you see the angry bunny?

防止兔子破坏你的家。Bunny proofing for your home.

好吧,让兔子为了我们大家的。Ok, let Bunny order for all of us.

我怎样才能分辨我的兔兔病了?How can I tell if my Bunny is sick?

你比劲量的兔子更持久。You can outlast the Energizer bunny.

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小灰灰是一只可爱,调皮的小兔子。Silver is a cute and naughty little bunny.

用黄辣椒制作的小兔子呢?A yellow-pepper bunny and a lemon bear cub.

兔八哥是我最喜欢的卡通人物。Bugs Bunny is my favorite cartoon character.

“我已看透了你的坏心肠”邦尼训斥着说。"I can see right through you, " Bunny scolded.

嗨,大家好,我是弗雷德o奥黑尔第一个成为。Hi. I'm Fred O'Hare the first human Easter Bunny.

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两只小兔子仔细观察着,可什么也没看到。The two Bunny 8iris watched but nothing happened.

混合着兔子血的鸡尾酒实在不够强大。The bunny blood cocktail just wasn’t strong enough.

好吧,霍顿,她派了会做饼干的兔子来。Yeah, Horton, she's sending you a bunny with cookies.

他的上门牙很长,让他看起来像兔宝宝。His long upper incisors make him look like Bugs Bunny.

我给这个被我家猫抓进来的小兔子照了像。I took this photos of a baby bunny the cat brought in.

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小兔快乐地在床上打起了滚,翻起了筋斗。Bunny playing happily in bed rolls, flips a somersault.

有一个坏蛋弗拉德……还有个兔子弗拉德,会做好吃饼干的那个!And then there's bunny Vlad, the one that makes cookies!

凯利和斯塔把她们的野餐和小鸟松鼠一起分享。Kelly and Stacie share their picnic with Bird and Bunny.