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我不懂希腊语,于是戴娜主动给我翻译。I don't speak Greek so Dina offered to for me.

有,先生,您看“椰树甘露”如何?是白朗姆酒、椰味奶油和菠萝。Yes, sir. How about Dina Colada made with white rum.

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劳伦当了模特,乔希去上法学院,迪娜当了老师。Lauren became a model, Josh went to law school, Dina was a teacher.

这是戴娜•班纳特接到她丈夫从飞机上打来的三个电话中的第一个电话。It was the first three phone calls Dina Bernet were received from the plane.

当查尔斯娶黛娜时,他就期望着有一笔可观的财产可以继承。There was the prospect of too good a fortune in reversion when Charles married Dina.

迪娜玛图麦克格林说他的丈夫又欺诈行为在结婚之前其实是同性恋。Dina Matos McGreevy says her husband committed fraud by marrying a woman when he knew he was gay.

威廉姆斯的妹妹迪娜·潘德亚和美国国家航天局的宇航员凯仁·耐博在地面上跟她同时比赛。Williams' sister, Dina Pandya, and NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg were running in the race on the ground.

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塔利班使其在巴基斯坦的批评者又少了一名。以下是NPR新闻的迪娜·坦普-拉斯顿从伊斯兰堡带来的报道。The Taliban has silenced another its critics in Pakistan. NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports from Islamabad.

是白朗姆酒、椰味奶油和菠萝汁调成的,是我们酒吧的特色酒。How about Dina Colada made with white rum, coconut cream and pineapple juice?It's one of our bar favorites.

埃塞俄比亚外交部发言人迪纳。穆菲蒂说,亚的斯亚贝巴将尽快响应政府间发展组织的号召。Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman Dina Mufti said Addis Ababa would respond to the IGAD call "as soon as possible".

但是,埃塞俄比亚外交部发言人迪纳·穆菲蒂说,埃塞俄比亚目前还没有作出加入反青年党行动的决定。But Ethiopia's foreign ministry spokesman Dina Mufti says there has been no decision on joining the anti-Shabab campaign.

NPR新闻的迪娜·特姆普·拉斯顿报道这一案件牵涉到其中的是两名年轻的穆斯林皈依者和一位前空军老兵。NPR's Dina Temple-Raston reports the case involved among others two young Muslim converts and a former Air Force veteran.

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现年五十岁的迈克尔还希望前妻蒂娜卸下林赛经纪人一职,以便能全身心的做好一个母亲。The 50 year old also hopes Lindsay's mother Dina quits in her role as her manager so she can work on being a good parent.

‘迪娜是一个让人难以置信的母亲,她工作努力,充满激情,我认为观众将会觉得这个节目十分有趣并产生共鸣。’Dina is an incredibly hard-working, passionate mom that I think our viewers will find both relatable and highly entertaining.

而根据知情人士的话说,与父亲的会面时林赛-罗汉自己的意思,而她的母亲,迈克尔的前妻――蒂娜当时人在纽约。Sources close to Lindsay say it was her idea to meet with Michael, while her mother and Michael’s ex-wife Dina was in New York.

这架飞机未能遂愿。它坠毁在宾尼法尼亚州的西部,戴娜证实她丈夫与此有关。The plane never reached it's target. It crashed in Western Pennsylvania and Dina Bernet is convinced her husband is one reason why.

这天,东方物探247队300多名员工奋战在迪那3三维地震施工现场,过了一个紧张忙碌的中秋节。That day, the East geophysical staff of more than 247 teams fought 300 Dina 3-D seismic in the construction site and had a hectic autumn.

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现在案子已经提交给一个离婚法庭的法官,他将判决前同性恋州长将付给他不合的妻子的赡养费数额。It's now up to a divorce court judge to decide how much alimony the state's gay ex-governor Jim McGreevey owes his estranged wife Dina Matos.

迪娜后参观花罗汉在贝蒂福特中心,在这里她的女儿林赛罗韩又回来了康复时间NBC的'今日秀'这个早晨。Dina Lohan visited NBC's 'Today Show' this morning after spending time at the Betty Ford Center, where her daughter Lindsay Lohan is back in rehab.

迪纳收藏老闆迪纳说,他形容自己有如大明星的当铺经纪人。"This business in the past eight months is booming, " said Yossi Dina, the president of The Dina Collection, who describes himself as the pawnbroker to the stars.