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——我们要全面深化改革开放。We will comprehensively deepen reform and opening up.

全面推进素质教育。We will comprehensively promote well-rounded education.

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黄铜排污阀,全面提升产品安全性。Brass drain valve, comprehensively improve product safety.

本文通过较全面的分析及阐述,说明其理由。The reason will be analysed and ex- plained more comprehensively.

各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。The crux of the matter is how to comprehensively treat this trend.

全面推进集体林权制度改革。We will comprehensively implement reform of collective forest rights.

但是公司应当综合谨慎地评估成本。But companies should estimate costs comprehensively and conservatively.

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双方什么时候会全面重新启动军事交流?When will the two sides comprehensively re-launch the military exchanges?

Monumentally研究,详细和丰富全面的说明。Monumentally researched, comprehensively detailed and profusely illustrated.

时间-温度指数可以综合反映热成熟度。The thermal maturity is comprehensively reflected by time-temperature index.

对瑞华大厦的施工技术进行了全面阐述。The construction technique of the building is also comprehensively explained.

办公室人员下班后,卫生清洁工作,全面铺开。The office personnel after work, hygiene management, comprehensively launches.

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两国各领域交流与合作全面发展。The exchanges and cooperation in various fields have developed comprehensively.

当然,对一个新想法展开全面思考通常总是有价值的。Of course it's almost always valuable to think comprehensively about a new idea.

我们对问题要作全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。We should analyze problems comprehensively in order to solve them appropriately.

当生活玩你的时候,你要玩回去,小心翼翼,仔细策划,效率执行。When life fucks you, you fuck back, discreetly, comprehensively and efficiently.

全面组织实施天然林保护工程。Comprehensively Organizing and Implementing the Natural Forest Protection Project

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通过心灵唤醒,可以促进学生自由精神的全面开掘。And through soul-awakening, students' free spirit can be explored comprehensively.

但是,他预测,该项目将于下周晚些时候全面完成。But, he predict that this project will complete comprehensively later in next week.

本文全面系统地研究了K故障定位理论。This paper studies the K- fault location theory comprehensively and systematically.