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小羊羔被放在围栏里养着。The lambs were kept in the stockade.

羊被栅栏圈着。The sheep were surrounded by stockade.

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你唯一需要做的,是不要陷入那栅栏之中。All you need do is keep out of the stockade.

我终于觉得可以折回来向木寨方向走去了。At length I thought I might return towards the stockade.

我跑了不到一百码,就到了木寨前。I had not gone a hundred yards when I reached the stockade.

我到寨子的时候,木屋笼罩在黑暗中。When I reached the stockade , the house lay in dark shadow.

我希望你能保证让我安全地走出寨子。All I ask is your promise to allow me safely out of the stockade.

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我们是从大船上脱了身,但是我们还没到达岸上的寨子。We were clear out of the ship, but not yet ashore in our stockade.

小屋周围的厚厚的栅栏保护拓荒者免受攻击。A heavy stockade around the cabin protected the pioneer from attack.

小屋周围的厚厚的栅栏保护拓荒者免受攻击。A heavy stockade around the cabins protected the pioneers from attack.

当我站在这里,羊在我的照管下进入圈里。I stand in the opening, and the sheep pass under me into the stockade.

我和亨特上岸想看看发生了什么,却发现了这个寨子。Hunter and I came ashore to see what was happening, and found the stockade.

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我们又向前跑了四十几步,来到了树林的边缘,看到木寨就在眼前。Forty paces farther we came to the edge of the wood and saw the stockade in front of us.

他们已经抵达枭河桥,把那座铁路桥整顿得井井有条,在河北岸筑起一排防御栅栏。They have reached the Owl Creek bridge, put it in order and built a stockade on the north bank.

我跑到了门口,恰好看见吉姆·霍金斯从木栅上面翻过来,平安无恙。And I ran to the door in time to see Jim Hawkins, safe and sound, come climbing over the stockade.

尤里卡栅栏起义后,成立了一个皇家委员会调查矿工的不满情绪。After the Eureka Stockade uprising a Royal Commission was appointed to examine the miner's grievances.

肇兴侗寨坐落在高山环抱的一个大山谷里,是全世界最大而又最古老的侗寨。Surrounded by the high mountains, the Zhaoxing Dong stockade is the biggest and oldest Dongzhai in the world.

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其他牧人驾驶着全地形车辆,想把惊鸣的鹿群驱赶至临时的栅栏中,也激起了一道道牧群的浪潮。Other herders crest the rise on their ATVs, driving hundreds of thundering reindeer into a makeshift stockade.

当完成监狱副本任务后,向「典狱官塞尔沃特」还“监狱暴动”及“镇压暴动”并接后续任务“好奇的访客”。Once you're done, hand in "Quell the Uprising" and "The Stockade Riots", get the follow up "The Curious Visitor".

乡绅和葛雷正忙于照顾船长的时候,我迅速爬出木屋,跑进了树林。When Gray and Mr Trelawney were helping the captain , I climbed quickly out of the stockade and ran into the trees.