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通常这些指控中包含了对于撒旦崇拜的控诉。Often the accusations included charges of Satanism.

即使是撒旦教,也被官方宣判为一个宗教!Even Satanism is officially acknowledged as a religion!

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这就是撒殚主义与普通人类罪行之间的区别。This is what distinguishes Satanism from ordinary human sinfulness.

你认为自己是个撒旦信徒吗?你怎么看撒旦信徒?Do you consider yourself a Satanist, and what's your view of Satanism ?

魔鬼教派”,是指对圣经里撒旦和魔鬼的崇拜和模仿。Satanism", is the worship and imitation of the biblical Satan or Lucifer."

英国的撒殚教中心是高门墓地,卡尔·马克思就葬在那里。Britain's center of Satanism is Highgate Cemetery in London, where Karl Marx is buried.

有些人已完全弃绝对上帝的信仰而全心投入撒但教派与其他神秘宗派。Some people have rejected faith in God entirely and devoted themselves to Satanism and the occult.

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马克思之妻称他为“高级牧师”,是哪个教的牧师呢?But of what religion? The only faith confessed in Europe where a Higher Priest is present is Satanism.

这是美国宝洁有限公司的旧商标,有多种信息透过这标志表达出撒旦主义。This is the old logo of Procter and Gamble. The various messages presented through this logo points to Satanism.

再后来,一些重金属乐队都开始使用撒旦教的礼服,符号和术语。Later, some of the “heavy metal” groups began adopting much of the trappings, symbolism and rhetoric of Satanism.

勒维撒旦主义,是首个承认人类欲望本质的宗教思想的宗教组织。Satanism is the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man's true nature.

可是人类这个品种的一些成员对这项讯息的反应,就好像听到有人提议把撒旦崇拜列入小学课程一样。But representatives of the human species are responding as if someone had proposed adding Satanism to the grade-school Curriculum.

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我们将在下面贴出一些文章,这些文章将给你精神控制方法论及其与恶魔主义和恶魔仪式的密切联系的更大洞见。We will post articles below that will give you greater insight into the methodology of mind control and its strong connections to Satanism and satanic rituals.

被任命为奥地利林茨教区的助理主教,神父瓦格纳还指责流行的哈利波特书籍和“散布撒旦教”的电影。Father Wagner, who has been appointed as auxiliary Bishop of Linz in Austria, has also accused the popular Harry Potter books and films of "spreading Satanism".

一些俄国东正教教士说哈里?波特的故事鼓吹对魔鬼的崇拜,并破坏了基督教信仰。Rowling, has proved a controversial figure in Russia where some Russian Orthodox priests have said the Harry Potter stories encourage satanism and undermine Christianity.

一些俄国东正教教士说哈里-波特的故事鼓吹对魔鬼的崇拜,并破坏了基督教信仰。Rowling, has proved a controversial figure in Russiaswheressome Russian Orthodox priests have said the Harry Potter stories encourage satanism and undermine Christianity.