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她们矫揉造作,一本正经还撅着嘴。They mince and prim and pout.

她像往常一样噘着嘴。Her mouth held its usual pout.

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她不满地朝我撅了一下嘴。She shot me a reproachful pout.

噘嘴是非常性感的。The pout is very sexual. To pout say “blue.”

汤姆当时不可能把猫放出去。他昨天不在这儿。Tom couldn't have let the cats pout. He wasn't here yesterday.

当你气馁,被责骂,哭泣,撅嘴时,你看上去并不自信。If you get upset, ticked off, cry, pout you don't appear as confident.

我们会情绪化,我们会有被触动爆发的一刻,我们会和我们最亲的人噘嘴赌气。We all get moody, we all have triggers, and we can all pout with the best of them.

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女人,不要把你的男人赶到沙发上去睡,或赌气地推他去客卧。Women, don't banish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.

女人不要把你的男人打发到沙发上去或生气离开到另一个卧室里去睡。Women, don’t banish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.

唇线会完好地保持你一整天的唇色,让你撅嘴时的样子变得完美。Liner will lock in the colour all throughout the day, ensuring a perfectly precise pout.

将炸好的鱼、头、尾分别拼在盘中,浇上茄汁,再把蒸好的虾放上即成。Ladle the fried fish into a plate, pout the juice, then put the steamed prawns on the top of the fish then serve.

十年前,莫斯科的夜生活就是某种特定的代名词,象征着过度的奢华,各种80年代的盛况和90年代的挫折。A decade ago, Moscow night life was synonymous with a certain brand of over-the-top opulence, all '80s pomp and '90s pout.

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如果你想吸引男人的目光,不必费心去眨动睫毛或捋头发,只需性感地撅撅嘴就可以了。If you want to catch a man’s attention, don’t bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking your hair. Just practise your pout.

如果你想吸引男人的目光,不必费心去眨动睫毛或捋头发,只需性感地撅撅嘴就可以了。If you want to catch a man's attention, don't bother fluttering your eyelashes or flicking 1 your hair. Just practise your pout 2.

由于司机开得很快,我把饮料洒在前面的座位上,我没有生气。And I would not get angry when a driver pulled quickly and rudely in front of me causing me to pout my drink onto the front car seat!

她脱掉外套,坐在那里,像洛丽塔一样,撅着嘴,成功的让他想把她从腿上推开。Having cast off her blazer, she sat there, Lolita-like, practised pout in place, effectively daring him to manhandle her off his knees.

瞧啊,她撅着那完美的嘴,摆动无可挑剔的身材,穿梭在派对里。如果我们还在玩那个游戏,她肯定帮我拿最高分。Look at her, Floang through the party with her perfect pout And flawless figure. You know, if were still in the game, She'd be a great score.

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巧儿一巴就敲在他脑袋上,自己别扭地看看云千水,小脸不可控制的红了起来。The Qiao son is knocked on expecting his head up, the oneself pout ground sees cloud thousand waters, the small face can not control of red get up.

奇努克鲑鱼和大西洋鳕鱼的基因结合在一起使得AquAdvantage鲑鱼常年分泌生长激素,所以这种鱼生长非常迅速。The combination of Chinook and ocean pout genes allow the AquAdvantage salmon to produce growth hormone all year round, so it grows incredibly quickly.

小镇、男孩、电影一同成长,查理卓别林的默片消匿于碧姬芭杜的噘嘴,后者又消匿于录放机。The town, the boy, the movies all grow up together, as the silent antics of Charlie Chaplin give way to the naked pout of Brigitte Bardot gives way to the VCR.