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一个凉风习习的完成为底的黄麻详细线。Jute detail lines midsole for a breezy finish.

黄麻短卸是从哪个舱出来的?Which hatch does the shortage of the jute come out of?

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大约三十个已婚妇女坐在一块巨大的麻草垫上。A group of about 30 women are sitting on a large jute mat.

目前,国内尚未有关长果黄麻遗传连锁图谱构建的报道。By now, there is no relative report on genetic linkage map of jute.

与黄麻和棕麻相比,剑麻地毯可频繁使用。Compared with jute and Brown linen, sisal carpets can be frequently used.

主要行业的产品是原麻,麻布,地毯的麻衬垫物。Products of main interest are raw jute, hessian cloth and jute carpet backing.

亚麻、苎麻、黄麻等麻纺行业的分行业的发展也出现了新的机遇。Of flax, ramie, jute and hemp industries industries have come new opportunities.

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货物是用坚固的新麻袋包装的,每袋约重200磅。The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags each containing about 200 pounds.

这只船无用地装载着黄麻,无所事事地停泊在那里已经好久了。It is uselessly laden with jute , and has been lying there idle for ever so long.

我们将货物装进新而结实的麻袋里,每袋200磅。The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags, each containing about 200 pounds.

那三个富女人,手不搓麻线,已有三年了。Those three wealthy ladies, hands short of jute and no slub of it for three years.

黄麻作为天然纤维的一种,其优势也正日益引起关注。As one of natural fibers, jute is grabbing more attention for its unique advantages.

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我们可以供应原色粗麻布,也可以根据您的需求进行染色处理。Jute Hessian Cloth can be supplied in natural colour or in any colour of your choice.

库尔纳人民黄麻厂将在2010年二月份恢复它的财政职能,并由BJMC管理。Khulna People's Jute Mills will resume its functions by February and will be managed by BJMC.

对所得结果在黄麻育种上的应用进行了讨论并提出建议。Discussions and proposal have been made on the applications of these results to jute breeding.

本文对于黄麻精纺机软起动的分析也适用于其它精纺机。The analysis about the soft start of Jute spinning frame also applies to other spinning frames.

对黄麻纤维的应用和存在的问题进行了简要的说明和分析。Finally, the applications and the unsolved problems about jute fiber were illuminated and analyzed.

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英国纺织业德显著衰退尤其表现在棉布、麻和亚麻布的生产上。Britain's textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton, jute and linen production.

黄麻起义是探索中国革命成功道路的一面光辉旗帜。Jute uprise is banner of brightness of one side of viatic of success of exploration China revolution.

英国纺织业德显著衰退尤其默示在棉布、黄麻和亚麻布的出产上。Britain's textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton , jute and linen production.