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表皮样囊肿与皮样囊肿。Epidermoid cyst and dermoid cyst.

会不会是皮样囊肿破裂?。What about ruptured dermoid cyst?

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表皮样囊肿与皮样囊肿。Epi dermoid cyst and dermoid cyst.

噢,那个女人得了皮样囊肿。Well, that woman had a dermoid cyst.

皮窦是一种犬类的常染色体遗传病。Dermoid sinus is a genetic, autosomal skin condition in dogs.

这些肿瘤常常被称为“皮样囊肿”,因形成囊状。These tumors are often called "dermoid cysts" because they are mostly cystic.

病变含有脂肪成分,如脂肪瘤、皮样囊肿和脂肪瘤样脑膜瘤。Lesions with fatty components, such as lipoma, dermoid and lipomatous meningioma.

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然而,与人类的藏毛窦不同,皮窦是因犬只的。However, unlike pilonidal sinus in humans, dermoid sinus in dogs is a neural tube defect.

组织学上,皮窦包含着毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。Histologically, the dermoid sinus contains hair follicles , sebaceous glands, and sweat glands.

在某些病例,可在对侧之卵巢发现另一种卵巢肿瘤,通常为皮样肿瘤。In some cases, the contralateral ovary may have another type of neoplasm, usually a dermoid cyst.

结论先天性背部皮肤窦道可伴有硬脊膜下或髓内皮样囊肿,并感染形成脓肿。Conclusions Dermal sinus accompanied by intradural dermoid cyst can lead to an intradural abscess.

目的探讨少见的婴儿前囟门皮样囊肿的诊断和治疗。Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of dermoid cyst of the anterior fontanelle in infants.

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结论前囟门皮样囊肿是良性先天性发育异常疾病,诊断明确后手术治疗效果好。Conclusions Dermoid cyst of anterior fontanelle is a congenital benign disease with satisfactory surgical outcome.

椎管内皮样囊肿的鉴别诊断包括那些含有高脂性的病变,如脂肪瘤和畸胎瘤。Differential diagnosis of a spinal dermoid includes lesions with high lipid content such as teratomas and lipomas.

当怀疑脂肪瘤、皮样囊肿、视神经肿瘤管内或颅内蔓延等软组织肿瘤行MRI检查。If liposarcoma, dermoid cyst, neurotubule tumor or intracranial invasion is suspected, MRI should be highly considered.

另外一些人认为,皮窦是多基因相关疾病。Others believe that the dermoid sinus condition is more appropriately characterized as polygenic, involving multiple genes.

常与血管瘤、单纯囊肿、鳃裂囊肿、皮脂腺囊肿、皮样囊肿难于鉴别。It was difficult to distinguish them from hemangioma, pure cyst, branchial cleft cyst, sebaceous gland cyst and dermoid cyst.

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方法对经手术及病理证实的11例鞍区皮样囊肿进行总结分析。Methods A total of 11 cases of dermoid cyst in sellar region verified with operation and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.

结果病理学检查证实皮样囊肿34例,表皮样囊肿7例,粘液囊肿4例,皮脂腺囊肿4例,与术前诊断一致。Results In all the cases, there are 34 cases of dermoid cyst, 7 cases of epidermoid cyst, 4 cases of mucous cyst, 4 cases of sebaceous cyst.

眼眶内下分低回声病损的鉴别诊断包括前部脑膨出、血管瘤和眶周皮样囊肿。The differential diagnosis of a hypoechoic lesion inferomedial to the globe includes anterior encephalocele , hemangioma, and periorbital dermoid cyst.