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对于我来道花式足球是什么?What is football freestyle to me?

不遵循己经制定的规矩,他们更喜欢自由的生活方式.They prefer to freestyle life instead.

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从标准单臂自由泳。Start with standard single-arm freestyle.

自由式舞蹈可以非常自我表现。Freestyle dancing can be very self-expressive.

蝶泳、仰泳、蛙泳和自由泳。Butterfly backstroke breaststroke and freestyle.

郝卫星,18日,在训练期间,他的自由泳。Hao Weixing 18 works on his freestyle during training.

一般用于平地技巧。Generally used for flatland skills and freestyle routines.

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标志严肃、方写意出了自律委员会的性质。Signs seriously, openly freestyle nature of the discipline.

事实上,端枪练习是训练自由泳六次打腿的极好练习。In fact, Stun Gun is a great 6-beat-kick drill for freestyle.

曾云以自创的“行云拳”夺得男子C组其他拳术冠军。Zeng Yun Winning the Champion of Men's Group C Freestyle Boxing.

我会游仰式,蝶式,自由式和狗爬式。I know how to do the backstroke butterfly freestyle and dog paddle.

匈牙利游泳选手佐尔坦·豪尔毛伊赢得了自由泳100米和50米两项冠军。In swimming, Hungary's Zoltan Halmay won the 100m and 50m freestyle.

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自由式也将提供最好的一流的第二和第三排腿部空间。Freestyle will also offer best-in-class second and third row legroom.

在女子100米自由游泳决赛中日本选手落在了后面。The Japanese swimmer was left behind in women's 100m freestyle final.

自由式摔跤首次在1904年的奥运会上出现。Freestyle wrestling was first introduced in the Olympic Games of 1904.

从那时起,古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤都扮演着重要角色。Since then, Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling have both been featured.

接力游泳的顺序是仰泳、蛙泳、自由泳。The order of relay is backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle.

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因此人们常说的“自由泳”基本就成了“爬泳”的同义词。As such the term freestyle is often used as a synonym for the front crawl.

道路网络布局应追求自由式、组团式。Freestyle and grouped style are sought in the arrangement of road network.

施皮茨以蝶泳最为擅长,在自由泳项目上成绩也非常优秀。Notably a butterfly specialist, Spitz was also successful in the freestyle.