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但是一步之内。That's a primitive operation.

原始部落将太阳奉为神。Primitive peoples deified the sun.

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这些村民很淳朴。Three villagers are very primitive.

一个胶囊形状的基本碰撞器。A capsule-shaped primitive collider.

在那时候,它是相当原始的。It was pretty primitive at the time.

有了原始用户界面。You have a primitive user interface.

他们是一个原始,暴力的种族。They’re a primitive and violent race.

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使用首选原语数据类型Use the preferred primitive datatypes

本初群组的成员是交错的。Members of primitive groups interfused.

万物有灵论在原始人中很普遍。Animism is common among primitive peoples.

航空设施极其薄弱简陋。Aviation was lamentably weak and primitive.

通过BIND原语可以为套接字分配地址。These are assigned using the BIND primitive.

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在原始时代人光着身子跑来跑去。In primitive times man went without clothing.

更为原始的,是树妖背后,那个林中仙女形状的树。More primitive. And trees in shape of dryads.

消息记录器原语自定义处理程序支持Message logger primitive custom handler support

一是史前艺术或原始艺术,一是有史载记录后的艺术。One is on prehistoric art or the primitive art.

首先说一下波尔模型最原始的版本。I am going to put up the most primitive version.

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原始部落寓居在亚马逊河盆地。Primitive tribes live in the Amazon River basin.

请注意,这只是一步。Well gee, notice. This is a primitive operation.

基本类型,在导入的模型库中Primitive types from the imported model libraries