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小猪会晕车怎么办?Is piggy carsick how to do?

怎样治疗晕车病呢?How to treat carsick disease?

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晕车要吃什么药?Carsick what drug should take?

晕车吃什么药最好?Carsick what drug to take best?

但今天我感觉不晕车。But today I didn't feel carsick.

治疗晕车有什么有效的办法???。Is cure carsick idea is there? ? ?

晕车丸有什么作用?What effect does carsick bolus have?

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晕车,有什么吃了可以不晕的麽?Carsick , what ate need not dizzy Mo?

医晕车的最好办法是?Is the best method with carsick cure?

有什么好方法可以防止晕车?What good method can prevent carsick ?

晕车用什么方法最有效?Carsick with what method the most effective?

吃晕车药回想睡觉?。Eat carsick medicine after-thought to sleep?

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打扰了。你有晕车药吗?Excuse me? Do you have anything for a carsick ?

每次在车内试着看书的时候我都会晕车。I always get carsick when I try to read in a car.

当你晕车的时候,会讨厌闻到汽油的味道。You loathe the smell of gas when you are carsick.

有什么方法可以治愈晕车这一症状?What method can be cured carsick this one symptom?

我感到晕车,我鼻子被塞住,并且还头疼。I felt carsick , my nose was stuffed, and I had a headache.

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我妈妈宁可步行也不愿坐车,因为她晕车。My mother would rather walk than take a car because of carsick.

我坐在后排晕车,我有权要求坐在前面。I get carsick in the back seat so I call dibs on the front seat.

车上的颠簸摇晃和燃料的气味使我晕车。They made me carsick from the jiggling and the smell of the fuel.