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这是Jogan沙阿,锡克教的白沙瓦附近。This is Jogan Shah, the Sikh neighborhood of Peshawar.

一些人前往马尔丹,一些人去白沙瓦。Some people going to Mardan, some are going to Peshawar.

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目前没有人表示为这次白沙瓦的袭击负责。No one has claimed responsibility for the Peshawar attack.

但人们还是纷纷离开,因为那里毫无安全可言。The people are leaving for Peshawar to find work because there is no security, Anis says.

而在此之前,最多的电话来自白沙瓦,那里的原部落区居民会询问在他们家乡的村庄里发生了什么。Displaced FATA residents call from Peshawar to ask about happenings in their home villages.

古德森说,巴基斯坦不能忍受开伯尔部落特区和白沙瓦存在的威胁。Goodson says a threat to the Khyber Agency and Peshawar was too much for Pakistan to abide.

巴基斯坦西北部克哈特和白沙瓦发生的爆炸事件导致更多的伤亡。Bombings in Kohat and Peshawar both in the northwest of the country left more dead and injured.

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警察总监说,安全部队正集中清剿靠近白沙瓦的巴拉镇。The police chief says security forces are focusing on the town of Bara, which borders Peshawar.

在那里他遇到了本·拉登,1988年在白沙瓦,他们一起创立基地组织。There, he joined forces with Bin Laden, and together they founded al-Qaida in Peshawar in 1988.

白沙瓦市的警长利雅格特·阿里表示,一个被远程引爆的汽车炸弹导致了此次爆炸。Peshawar police chief Liaqat Ali said the blast had been caused by a car bomb detonated remotely.

图中,2008年12月8日,靠近西北部城市白沙瓦的北约集装箱堆场,卡车被焚烧了。Above, trucks smolder at a NATO container terminal near the northwest city of Peshawar on Dec. 8, 2008.

2010年4月在白沙瓦,激进分子就用汽车炸弹和燃烧武器袭击过美国领事馆。In April of 2010, militants using a car bomb and firing weapons attacked the U. S. consulate in Peshawar.

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这些团伙还实施了对白沙瓦市-西北前线省首府-的火箭攻击和爆炸。These groups have also carried out rocket attacks and bombings inside Peshawar city, the capital of NWFP.

救护车已赶往现场将伤者送到马尔丹军方医院和附近的白沙瓦医院。Ambulances have rushed to the scene to the injured near Mardan Peshawar military hospital and the hospital.

白沙瓦横跨塔利班肆虐的巴基斯坦西部地区,长期以来一直是重要的区域过境通道。Peshawar straddles Taliban-dominated areas of western Pakistan and has long been a key regional transit route.

巴基斯坦西北部白沙瓦数千人开始了为期两天的抗议活动,抗议美国无人机在那里发动的袭击。Thousands of people in Peshawar in northwest Pakistan have begun a two-day protest against US drone attacks there.

巴基斯坦警方说,不明身份枪手11日在西北部城市白沙瓦发动袭击,打死两名警察。Pakistani police said that unidentified gunmen in the northwestern city of Peshawar 11 attacks, killing two police officers.

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直升机穿过Mohmand继续向正东飞行,Mohmand位于Peshawar北部边缘,它是巴基斯坦七个部落区域之一。The helicopters traversed Mohmand one of Pakistan’s seven tribal areas skirted the north of Peshawar and continued due east.

在白沙瓦以东40公里的瑙谢拉市,一群巴基斯坦人挤在政府科技大学内的救援营地。Crowds of Pakistanis swarm together in a camp at the Government College of Technology in Nowshera, 40 kilometers east Peshawar.

巴基斯坦发生三起自杀式爆炸事件,袭击导致15人死亡,其中最致命的爆炸发生在伊斯兰堡和白沙瓦。Three suicide bombs in Pakistan to tell you about. The attacks killed 15 people. The deadliest, west of Islamabad and Peshawar.