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阿玉的薪水就是铁路公司发给她的“猫粮”。The company feeds her in lieu of salary.

为表诚意,我把我的心给你,也就算做给你的小费吧。In lieu of gratuity, I leave you my heart.

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加州参议员刘云平投票反对这一禁令。State senator Ted Lieu voted against the ban.

画押,记号用来代替签名的标记,如十字符。A sign, such as a cross, made in lieu of a signature.

而加州参议员刘云平也投票反对此条禁令。California State Senator Ted Lieu voted against the ban.

请允许我用不那么平庸的方式。Permit me then , in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet.

于是,继禁书之后,新的趋势似乎是要禁脂肪。So, in lieu of books, the new trend seems to be banning fat.

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那逃到逃城的人,你们不可为他收赎价Nor may you accept ransom in lieu of flight to a city of refuge.

那逃到逃城的人,你们不可为他收赎价“Nor may you accept ransom in lieu of flight to a city of refuge."

一面金属箔片饰面的隔墙替代了床头板原先的位置。A partition surfaced in foil wall covering stands in lieu of a headboard.

这样可以代替不必买个加湿器而且让它不停地开着。This can be in lieu of having to buy a humidifier and leaving it running.

公司正提供实习机会和合同职位,以代替全职工作。In lieu of full-time jobs, companies are offering internships and contract work.

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所以就把给徐嘉惠调动的希望放在叶城和阿玉的身上!So they put to XuJiaHui hopes on the transfer of e. m. kozlovi and in lieu of body!

预烘焙光源代替了动态光源,节省资源用在贴图纹理。Pre-baked lighting in lieu of dynamic lighting, lets them push more on the texture side.

青印溪二级水电站用爆破膜代替调压井。Safety membranes were used at Qingyinxi No. 2 water power station in lieu of surge chamber.

第二例最新报告病例为南部薄寮省一名17岁男孩。The second newly reported case is a 17-year-old boy from the southern province of Bac Lieu.

不领高薪、反而持有公司股份的员工,很可能感到同样恼怒。Employees who took company shares in lieu of big cash salaries may well be similarly peeved.

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您的文件会有一个URL,你能够电邮它来代替大型附件。You get a URL for the file which you can then e-mail to a bud in lieu of the large attachment.

政府征收土地后会给农民提供一小块替代的土地。Displaced farmers are offered alternative plots in lieu of the land acquired by the government.

它可以取代目前常用的机械式记录器,也可以将两者同时交替使用。This recorder can be used in lieu of or in conjunction with the conventional mechanical recorder.