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维苏威山是一座火山。Vesuvius is a volcano.

维苏威山是一座活火山。Vesuvius is an active volcano.

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维苏威火山又开始爆发了。Mt. Vesuvius has begun acting up again.

她的家位于维苏威火山脚下。Her apatment lay at the foot of Vesuvius.

维苏威火山最近一次苏醒是在1944年。The last time Vesuvius awoke was in 1944.

几天以后,维苏威火山猛烈爆发了。A few days later, Vesuvius was in violent eruption.

山维苏威火山很多年没有爆发的了。Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years.

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然而,在没有任何预兆的情况下,维苏威火山咆哮着苏醒了。But without any warning, Mount Vesuvius roared to life.

公元79年维苏威火山爆发毁灭了庞贝城。Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A. D. , destroying Pompeii.

维苏威火山不断向空中冒出气体。Vesuvius is constantly sending forth steam into the air.

根据第一段维苏威火山谈到什么?火山。What does Vesuvius most probably refer toaccording to the first paragraph?

因为她的家就维苏威火山脚下,并且除了乘船,没有其他出路。Her house lay at the foot of Vesuvius , and there was no way out except by boat.

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维苏威火山可能是地球上最著名的也是最危险的火山。Vesuvius is not only the most famous , but also the most dangerous volcano on earth.

在1908年,由于维苏威火山爆发,奥运会被转移到在伦敦举行。In 1908, because the Vesuvius erupted, the Olympic Games was transfered to be held in London.

当时,古罗马的赫库兰尼姆和庞贝城座落在维苏威的山脚下。Atthat time, the ancient Roman cities of Herculaneumand Pompeiinestled at the foot of Vesuvius.

反对者们抗议在维苏威火山的半坡上启用一处新的垃圾场。The protesters were demonstrating against the opening of a new dump on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius.

“庞贝尔”是利用数字技术“复活”的一名公元79年在维苏威火山爆发中死去的年轻女子。"Pompea" was the digital reconstruction of a young woman killed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD.

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以弗所废墟的盛名大概仅次于意大利维苏威火山下的庞贝城。The fame of Ephesus ruin is just about next to the city of Pompeii at the foot of Italy's volcano Mt. Vesuvius.

从公元79年以来维苏威火山喷发过50次左右,最具毁灭性的喷发是在1631年,造成了约4000人死亡。Vesuvius has erupted about 50 times since 79 AD, with the most destructive in 1631, killing about 4,000 people.

火山爆发会影响那不勒斯市,“情况可能会比假想中的维苏威火山爆发更为糟糕”,多拉索说。An eruption there would affect Naples and "could be worse than a hypothetical Vesuvius eruption, " Bertolaso said.