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这将使信号畸变。It will distort the signal.

消费者更倾向于选择主动噪音隔离器。B. Active isolators can distort sound.

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约翰尝了一口,立刻脸都歪了,看上去恶心的心烦意乱。John tried the wine. It caused his face to distort.

有些传记或自传歪曲历史。Some biographies or autobiographies distort history.

人们歪曲神的道的方法有很多。Thereare a variety of ways people distort the Bible.

在做笔记的时候要坚持细心,精确和诚实原则,确定你并没有曲解作者的原意。Be sure that you do not distort the author's meanings.

政客们滥用证据,将证据歪曲到可耻的地步。Politicians misuse evidence, and distort it to shameful degrees.

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不平等会歪曲激励和限制机会。Inequality can itself distort incentives and restrict opportunities.

国家对经济控管过度,各项补贴让物价偏离了正常轨道。The state controls too much of the economy and subsidies distort prices.

难道我们自己不也可能处于某个大鱼缸之内,一个巨大的透镜扭曲我们的美景?Isn't it possible we live in a huge fish tank which may distort our view?

这件事证明了菲律宾为了它的利益而在法庭上歪曲事实的意愿。It just shows its willingness to distort facts in its case before the court.

载荷使卡塞格伦天线结构的每个部分发生变形。Loads distort every component of the structure of the Cassegrain antenna system.

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咆哮的猛风可以把树的形体扭曲,不许它发育成长。Meng roaring winds can distort the shape of the tree, while it grow and develop.

新铸出的板栅很柔软,如果立即涂膏,可能造成弯曲和歪斜。Freshly cast grids are very flexible and may bend and distort if pasted immediately.

新铸出的板栅很柔软,如果立即涂膏,可能造成弯曲和。Freshly cast grids are very flexible and may bend and distort if pasted immediately.

歪曲、造谣是达赖集团一贯使用的伎俩。It is a trick used quite often by the Dalai clique to distort facts and spread lies.

它们扭曲真相并阻止我们看出且接受每一刻的本然。They distort the truth and prevent us from seeing and accepting each moment as it is.

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没有运动,可能会出现,而激光照排正在生产或图像会扭曲。No motion can occur while the laser photo is being produced or the image will distort.

多执行几次扭曲和消褪命令,直到你认为满意为止。Now repeat this distort and fade method many times, or untill you think it looks best.

重复几遍,你还可以按随机化,或者多次扭曲复制的图层。So you might want to press Randomize sometimes, or sometimes distort the copy a few times.