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新工具的采用率。New tool adoption rate.

现在,我相信领养。I believe in adoption now.

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采用和成熟模型。Adoption and maturity models.

对AOSD采用的其它障碍Other barriers to AOSD adoption

这个词现在已被采纳入英语。The word is now English by adoption.

考虑对收养法进行释法。Adoption law is up for interpretation.

立嗣与重生是不同的。Adoption and regeneration are distinct.

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乔布斯还是婴儿的时候就被人领养了。Mr. Jobs was put up for adoption as a baby.

所以,其难以一帆风顺的被采用也或多或少是一种担心吧?So is uneven adoption somewhat of a concern?

我们说服他采纳这项计划。We argued her into the adoption of the plan.

关于联合国安理会通过第1617号决议Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1617

但跟踪技术在牧场普及很慢。But adoption of technology in ranching is slow.

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宝路收养活动。帮助我们帮助狗。The Pedigree Adoption Drive. Help us help dogs.

他们今后采纳云的计划是什么样的?What are their plans for future cloud adoption?

关于采用方法的反馈得到了收集。Feedback on the approach to adoption is gathered.

从一个坚实的方法论基础来驱动采纳。Driving adoption from a firm methodological basis.

一多半甚至不用去领养中心。Over half never even made it to the adoption center.

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采用测试策略和标准非常随意。Adoption test strategies and standards are haphazard.

并采用转子泵自动润滑系统。Adoption of auto lubricating system to the rotor pump.

有些女孩会决定把孩子送给别人收养。Some girls decide to give their babies up for adoption.