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主席宣布的那条法律的废止。The abrogation of the law is published by the chairman.

特权的取消使他成为了平民。The abrogation of his privileges made him an ordinary people.

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废除的办法由国务院制定。Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.

自我毁灭的幽灵只有在废除美国—日本安全条约下才有可能安息。The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U. S.

我这一代正是废除亲子盟约必要性的见证。Ours is a generation that has witnessed the abrogation of the parent-child covenant.

我这一代正是废除了亲子盟约必要性的见证。Ours is a generation that has witnessed the abrogation of the parent-child covenant.

制订、修改和废除重要规章制度的方案。programmes for the formulation, revision and abrogation of major rules and regulations.

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在结束这个问题之前顺便一提,我希望能再提出一些见解。By the way, afore abrogation this accountable, I would like to add a few animadversions.

第一个条件,由于停战协定的,是完全废除该条约。One of the first conditions as a result of the Armistice was the complete abrogation of the treaty.

在旧约中,为未来的基督,在肉体和废除犹太人的经济体系。In the Old Testament, for the coming of Christ in the flesh, and the abrogation of the Jewish economy.

废除强制性的独身显示,完全不稳定和缺乏道德基础的节。The abrogation of compulsory celibacy showed the utter instability and lack of moral foundation of the sect.

并不想去游行这位母亲边说话边下了车,让我帮她看一下孩子,去买点东西吃。We just don't wish to go said the mother, abrogation us to apperception her babyish while she went to buy some food.

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在废除这种圣经条例,他放下的原则,废除这些形式的基础上的伊斯兰神学。In the abolition of such Biblical ordinances he laid down the principle of Abrogation which forms the basis of Islamic theology.

非国家法定计量单位应当废除。废除的办法由国务院制定。Non-national legal units of measurement shall be abrogated. Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.

但有人担心“十一”长假的取消意味着百姓将失去休假的权利。But people start worrying that the abrogation of National Day Holiday shall predicate the losing of furlough for the common people.

这完全是国会的不负责任,而国会,正如山姆.克莱蒙斯4所言,是我们国家唯一的犯罪阶级。This is a complete and utter abrogation of responsibility by the Congress which, as Sam Clemens noted, is our only native criminal class.

转录因子NF-IL6特异地在肿瘤组织中过量表达,许多报道表明抑制它的功能对肿瘤治疗有利。NF-IL6 is specifically overexpressed in tumor tissues. Many reports have shown that abrogation of transcriptional activation activity is useful for tumor therapy.

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这些极端的法案教殖民地其它的人惊吓,他们害怕这些法案会指向废除他们自己的议会及取消他们基本的英国公民权。These extreme acts frightened other colonists, who feared lest they point towards abolition of their own assemblies and the abrogation of fundamental rights as Englishmen.

伴随着此一社会发展趋势,死刑存废问题亦已成为今日中国刑事法治领域的热点话题,而其中关于非暴力犯罪的死刑废止问题更是引起了中国社会的广泛关注。Along with this trend of social development, the issue of restriction and abrogation of death penalty has become a hot topic among the circle of criminal law in nowadays China.

在应然层面上,死刑的废除是一个超越空间范畴的问题,在终极意义上,中国应该废除死刑。At the aspect of value, the abrogation of the death penalty is a problem that surmounts the space category, on the ultimate end meaning, China should rescind the death penalty.