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法庭文件宣称她可能是一个偷窥狂。The court papers allege she may be a voyeur.

好吧。我承认,你们真是彻头彻尾的烂。Yeah, well, I allege that you guys thoroughly suck.

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但杂志是假的,省级机关指控。But the journals were fake, provincial authorities allege.

学生时不时会称病缺课。Students occasionally allege illness as the reason for absence.

ETC集团和其它组织宣称,授予这样的专利是错误的。ETC Group and others allege that such patents are wrongly awarded.

警方称,他偷盗的目标也有所转变——从单车到汽车,再到快艇。Police allege that he graduated from bikes to cars, then to speedboats.

他一再指出,他完全不适合担任新的职务。He would again and again allege that he was wholly unfitted to new duties.

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据警方称,这具尸体正是被苏萨雇凶谋杀的五人之一。Police allege the corpse was one of the five men murdered on Souza's orders.

他们声称,他曾高喊路过车辆“找到一份工作,你发王八”。They allege that he had shouted at a passing vehicle "get a job you fat bastard".

另一些宣称奥巴马加入印尼国籍而丧失其美国国籍。Others allege that Obama became a citizen of Indonesia and lost his U.S. citizenship.

认为联合国在发展问题上无所作为,这显然是一种误解。To allege that the UN has no role to play on development is an obvious misunderstanding.

不过,我并不真正了解他们,所以当下断言二人性格如该隐和亚伯那般迥异未免过于草率。But it would be too hasty to allege such a contrast given that I didn't really know them.

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美国方面的消息说中国空军的飞行员和飞机已经与俄罗斯的伊尔-78进行了训练。US sources allege that PLAAF pilots and aircraft have already trained with Russian Il-78s.

在电缆谈话要点声称,中国的原产地武器已被送往阿富汗。Talking points in the cable allege that Chinese-origin weapons have been sent to Afghanistan.

据意大利媒体的星期一的报道他和主教练产生了分歧。Reports in Italy on Monday allege that the goalkeeper has had a fall-out with boss Delio Rossi.

还有人称布什和他的幕僚以一种极为“随意”的方式来诠释那些证据。Others allege that Bush and his advisors interpreted the evidence in an exceedingly "free" fashion.

目前,已有数百起法律诉讼指称此类药物可导致一种罕见的并发症,致使部分颌骨坏死。Hundreds of lawsuits allege that the drugs cause a rare condition in which part of the jaw bone dies.

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有人宣称他们所谓的恐慌是装出来的,意在把波士顿人妖魔化,把他们当成危险的暴力分子。Some allege that their fear was feigned in an attempt to portray Bostonians as violent and dangerous.

最近几周,日本和越南纷纷提出抱怨,称中国侵占其领海。In recent weeks, Japan and Vietnam have complained about what they allege to be Chinese encroachments.

罗伯茨宣称甘地是“政治无能者和狂热的跟风者”,这并没有完全错误。Roberts is not entirely wrong to allege that Gandhi was “a political incompetent, and a fanatical faddist.