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知更鸟是一种灰白色的会唱歌的鸟。A mockingbird is a kind of gray songbird.

恐怖分子想要杀死它。The terrorists want to kill the songbird.

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我想我刚才已经深深爱上了与鸣禽。I think I just fell in love with Songbird.

斑胸草雀是一种来自澳洲的小型鸣禽。The zebra finch is a tiny Australian songbird.

蓝莺是一种生活在北美的鸣鸟。The blue warbler is a songbird that lives in North America.

北美洲鸣鸟,其叫声象猫。North American songbird whose call resembles a cat's mewing.

聚集在泰姬陵大酒店中的高管们正在追逐着这只金丝雀。The executives who congregated in the Taj Mahal hotel were chasing this golden songbird.

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故而Songbird为blog上下文带来了语意,或者说音乐的理解。So Songbird is bringing semantics, or understanding of music, to the context of the blog.

鸣禽发声学习的控制系统主要由一条直接神经通路和一条辅助神经通路组成。The song control system of songbird is mainly composed of direct pathway and acces- sory pathway.

鸣鸟的骨头可能是中空的,但是它们实际上比相同大小的哺乳动物的骨头的密度要大得多。Songbird bones may be hollow, but they're actually denser than the bones of mammals of the same size.

Songbird是该趋势的另一绝佳实例,因为它把网络看作一个音乐数据库。Songbird is another good example of this growing trend, because it treats the web as a music database.

你是怎样认为Songbird以及其他和在线信息相交互的桌面应用程序的?What do you think about Songbird and other desktop applications that interact with online information?

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但此外,Songbird在底端显示一个面板,列出了所有在当前页发现的音乐。But in addition, Songbird displays a pane on the bottom that lists all tracks found on the current page.

Songbird解决了把本地音乐库和巨大数量的在线音乐集结起来的难题。Songbird solves a problem of bringing together our local music libraries and vast amounts of music online.

比如,Songbird的左栏包含一个文件夹叫音乐博客,这里预置了一些博客站点。For example, the Songbird left pane contains a folder called Music Blogs, which comes with a few preset blogs.

每一个季节都有可能发生不同的自然现象,春天会有莺和燕雀的移居。Each season has different possibilities for natural phenomena. The Spring brings warbler and songbird migrants.

一天,她在树林中散步时,出现了两只快要饿死的鸟儿,她将它们带回家,放进了一个小笼子里。One day when IT were walking in the cottons IT searched few starving songbird. IT get you habitat or get in a tiny cage.

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鸣鸟从树枝上瞧,蛇从树上面看,老鼠没有动静。蜘蛛停留在网边等待着。The songbird watched from the branch. The snake watched from the tree. The mouse did not move. The spider stayed at the edge of her web, and waited.

一个很可爱的东西是一只红色胸部鸟,小个子,唱歌,勇敢得离我很近临吃那个我掘取着泥土揭示的蠕虫。One lovely thing is the robin red-breast, a little songbird that is very brave and comes up very close to eat the worms that I uncover as I dig the soil.

所以,当我们想到哀鸽的时候,我们必须记得,它们既是和平传统的象征,又是后院可爱的歌者。Therefore, when we think of the mourning dove we must remember that they are considered to be the traditional bird of peace and a beloved backyard songbird.