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爱钱如命的爸爸生个儿子挥霍钱财。A miserly father makes a prodigal son.

铁公鸡在汉语中的意思是一毛不拔。An iron rooster in Chinese means miserly.

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天秤品味奢侈,处女则谨慎,但并不吝啬。Libra's tastes are expensive. Virgo is careful, not to say miserly.

主是好施予恩典的神,他决不吝惜将一切宝藏赏赐他的仆人。The Lord is not miserly when it comes to providing grace to His servants.

悭吝的玩家依然可以参与到游戏里,但以凋谢自己给广告投放的式样间接支付用度。Miserly players can still participate in the game and pay indirectly by being exposed to advertising.

只在它相信某件东西是实在稀有罕见的时候,它在事物的估价上才不再吝惜。It is only when it believes something to be rare that the mind ceases to be miserly in assigning values.

长寿而贫贱的人,是因为他过去慈爱动物而却吝于施舍。To live a long life but is poor. This is because in the past one loved animal but was stingy and miserly.

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在这些早期实验中,人们常常利用自己的金钱惩罚最富有、最吝啬的玩家。And in these earlier studies, people often used their money to punish the richest and most miserly players.

今天天气很热,坐在公车上,司机竟然舍不得开空调,乘客热得流汗。Despite the hot weather the miserly bus driver doesn't turn on the aircon. The passengers are sweating terribly.

在92年采用的节水马桶和喷头的命令引起了数年后消费者的牢骚和抗命。Low-flush toilets and miserly showerheads mandated in 1992 produced years of consumer grumbling and disobedience.

我们自以为爱得深沉,其实还是很吝啬。如果那十年要在青春岁月中拿走,又有多少人真的愿意?We think we love deeply, actually we are miserly. If the ten years is of the youth, how many people will be willing?

人们会变得小气,吝于付出他们的爱与欢乐,因为他们认为奉献就是在奉献自己所拥有的东西。People have become stingy, miserly with their love, with their joy, simply because they only think that giving means things.

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在美国和大部分富裕国家,网络航空公司注定会做赔本买卖,甚至赔的一塌糊涂,AMR集团也毫不例外。Network airlines are, in America and much of the rich world, licences to lose money or make miserly returns—and AMR is certainly no exception.

并非我们没有守财奴,但比起莫里哀与巴尔扎克笔下的守财奴与野心家来,就小巫见大巫了。But Chinese misers prove less miserly and less ambitious when they are compared with those misers and careerists described by Moliai and Balzac.

老年人变得越来越吝啬,因为他们考虑到退休金和国家社会福利的缩水。The elderly have become more miserly because of concern about shrinking retirement funds and the solvency of the nation's Social Security system.

就连椰汁也不马虎,当每家店都用罐装椰汁时,发记却毫不吝啬,购入包装的新鲜椰汁。Even coconut juice also don't careless, when every shop all use canned coconut juice, hair, but remember none miserly bought packaging of fresh coconut juice.

在由于病毒感染而被迫错过了与热刺的比赛后,维蒂奇非常高兴能及时复出回到了曼联密不透风的后防线。Nemanja Vidic is glad to be back in United's miserly defence after shaking off a virus that affected his family and forced him to miss the cup win over Spurs.

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吝啬的政府、匮乏的自然资源和敌对的北方邻居成为香港人在听天由命的情况下自力更生的背景。A miserly government, a lack of natural resources and a hostile northern neighbour became a backdrop for what people can achieve when left to their own devices.

古汉语确实含有数千年来积累起来的各种深宫秘闻,以一种简要、惜墨如金的密码写成,这种密码适合在一个很小的精英团体里传播。Classical Chinese really consists of tens of centuries of esoteric anecdotes written in a kind of terse miserly code for dissemination among a small elite group.

这就是为众多心理学家所知道的所谓的“伤心不吝啬”现象,广告商和店老板也是一样,在2004年在一次相似的试验中被记录下来。The so-called "misery is not miserly"phenomenon is well-known to psychologists, advertisers and personalshoppers alike, and has been documented in a similar study in 2004.