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他们的轮船被送入港口倾侧待修。Their ship was put into port to careen and refit.

看起来伊利诺斯州正从一个危机进入到下一个危机中去。Illinois seems to careen from one crisis to the next.

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因司机失控,那辆汽车就横冲直撞地冲下山去。The driver lost control and the car careen down the hill.

但是,有些人匆匆的保持事情简单,倾向于“简化主义”。But, some folks in their rush to keep things simple, careen into "simplism. ""

杰克驾车加速向大门冲去,守卫们向他的车狂扫射击,使得车倾翻了,停止了前进。As Jack speeds to the gate guards shoot at the van causing it to careen to a halt.

杰克驾车加速向大门冲去,守卫们向他的车狂扫射击,使得车倾翻了,停止了前进。As Jack speeds to the gate, guards shoot at the van, causing it to careen to a halt.

杰克驾车加速向大门冲去,守卫们向他的车狂扫射击,使得车倾翻了,停止了前进。As Jack speeds to the gate , guards shoot at the van , causing it to careen to a halt.

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温特斯警告说市场仍可能继续小幅下挫,但他说此时正是“投资者大展拳脚的好时候”。The market can still careen lower, he warns, but Winters calls this a "great time to be an investor."

小美是位出生于稳定中产家庭的独生女,而随着父母婚姻濒临破碎,她的生活也变得四分五裂。Mei is an only child whose stable, middle-class family life is torn apart as her parents careen toward divorce.

氧化剂四处横行,结合到细胞膜、蛋白质、DNA,以及其他使身体正常运作的细胞构造,并加以破坏。The oxidants careen about, binding to and disrupting the membranes, proteins, DNA and other cell structures that make your body work.

当我们坐在一辆牙买加的士中,司机因为没看见几英寸以外开过来的拖车猛然转弯时,我们和死亡擦肩而过。We catch a glimpse of it when we are in a Jamaican taxi and the driver careen the corner missing the incoming trailer by several inches.

但人们一直担心,中国可能从最近两年的投资过热转向另一个极端,即企业完全贷不到款。But fears linger that China will careen from the overheated pace of investment of the past two years to the opposite extreme in which companies cannot get any credit.

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电车沿着轨道从远处驶来,轨道的尽头有五名工人,电车刹车坏了,这五名工人即将被撞死。And down the track comes a trolley car, at the end of the track are five workers, the brakes don't work, the trolley car is about to careen into the five and kill them.

驾着运动型多用途汽车的车主,打着手机,毫无疑问,他们会在停车场撞倒老人。A hood mounted bazooka to communicate with the numerous SUV-borne dils talking on cell phones as they careen obliviously around the parking lot crushing daisy beds and old people.

周一道指工业指数收盘上涨936点,创下美国市场自上世纪三十年代以来最大单日涨幅,也标志着华尔街依旧游移在几十年来最严重的危机中。The Dow Jones industrial average gained 936 points on Monday, the biggest gain in the American stock market since the 1930s, as Wall Street continued to careen through the worst crisis in decades.