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这三个男人为了小事而争吵。The three men jangle over trifles.

滴噜噜,滴噜噜,金币滚动的声音。Jangle jangle, the sound of rolling adena.

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咖啡中的咖啡因会使神经紧张。The caffeine in coffee can jangle the nerves.

他们正在学习怎样在野外工作和生存。They are learning how to survive in a jangle.

在铃声相伴的清晨我愿随你而去!In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you.

稍有点不如意,就会使我极度烦躁,脑袋也像要裂开似的。The slightest irritation made my nerves jangle and my head want to explode.

被绞死的辩论者晃荡时,手镯上撕碎的小金属片发出刺耳的声音。When the strangled wrangler dangles the mangled spangles on the bangle jangle.

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我们对于电话的叮铃声,警笛的尖啸声之类使人紧张的情况会作出反应。We react to stresses such as the jangle of telephones or the wailing of police sirens.

打比方说,美元,当投资者觉得得意洋洋的时候,他们会买入一下美元,如果他们觉得紧张,他们会开始闭塞,然后卖出美元。The dollar, for example, tends to be bought when investors feel perky and to be sold when nerves start to jangle again.

Roussarie说,相比持续的嗡嗡声或音乐声、卡车倒车发出的嘟嘟声或流动雪糕车的刺耳声,这种声音应更为复杂。The sounds should be more sophisticated than a steady buzzing or musical sound, the jarring beep-beep made by reversing trucks or the jangle of ice-cream-van bells.

当自由意志和本能的矛盾得到调整,当充分的理性使自由意志具有完全代替本能的力量,人类就不会继续摇摆不定。When this jangle of free-will instinct shall have been adjusted, when perfect under standing has given the former the power to replace the latter entirely, man will no longer vary.