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下面的图表是交互式的。The chart below is interactive.

填鸭式授课还是互动式教学?Lecture or Interactive Teaching?

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交互式三维虚拟座舱。Interactive 3-D virtual cockpits.

这样也可以形成互交空间。This can be used as interactive space.

教与学经常是互动的。Teaching and learning are often interactive.

视听数字式交互系统?。VADIS?Video Audio Digital Interactive System?

最佳的整洁和互动式的演示。Clean and interactive presentation at its best.

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它是互动的还是单方面?Should it be interactive or should it be one-way?

我是一个互动媒体制作部的主管,So I'm the director of an interactive production,

应用于互动介面的感应器系统〉。Paradiso. Sensor Systems for Interactive Surfaces.

怀旧设计风格的互动游戏电子贺卡。Interactive game e-card with a retro and dark style.

也就是说,它们在会话期间并没有交互。That is, they are not interactive during the session.

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这将使电脑游戏的交互性更强。This will make videogames more interactive than ever.

巴尼播放钢琴演奏一耸的大型互动图书!Barney Plays Piano Play-a-Song Large Interactive Book!

对话性指话语中存在两个以上相互作用的声音。Dialogism refers to the interactive voices of discourse.

良好的互动向来被自行车品牌商所关注。Interactive program has been long valued by bike brands.

为了确保会议的集中性和参与度,你具体可以做些什么?What can you do to ensure it is focused and interactive?

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协同虚拟环境中的交互信息传输机制。Transmission mechanism of interactive information in CVE.

建立一个交互式电子宠物狗系统。An interactive system of electronic pet dog was developed.

互动学习的五个部份。自己发现耶稣。A five part interactive study. Discover Jesus for yourself.