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这样,你不被人烦和不被人疑问的机会,就大大增加了。You stand a better chance of being left alone and unquestioned this way.

美国焊接学会作为一证明人,它的独立性将带给其程序无可怀疑的公正性。The independence of AWS as a certifier brings unquestioned integrity to its programs.

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它将我们所熟知的,毋庸置疑的事物,变得陌生。It works by taking what we know from familiar unquestioned settings and making it strange.

在一个自由竞争的环境下,香港的优势地位很可能是毫无疑问的。In an environment of free competition, Hong Kong’s dominance would probably go unquestioned.

小提琴家所演奏的协奏曲毫无疑问是出色的,但是缺乏想像力。The concerto was perfo. rmed by a violinist of unquestioned competence but limited imagination.

卡梅尼从未受到质疑的权威现在每天都受到挑战,对此,他愤怒地反击。Khamenei, whose previously unquestioned authority is now under daily challenge, hit back furiously.

我听说过一家在纽约的爵士俱乐部,叫做咖啡社团,在那儿黑人百人可以公开、毫无顾虑地进行演出。I had heard, however, of a New York jazz club, Café Society, where there was open, unquestioned integration.

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指挥链中演练警长是招募的象征纪律,几乎不容置疑的权威。In the chain of command the drill sergeant is the recruit's symbol of discipline, with almost unquestioned authority.

无容置疑,在今天民主就意味着全民普选,而这正是我们试图强加于他人的观念。It is unquestioned today that democracy means universal franchise, and this is what we always try to impose on others.

大学学位与经济成功之间的紧密联系可能是我们社会秩序中几乎不受质疑的部分。The tight connection between college degrees and economic success may be a nearly unquestioned part of our social order.

这些传统为这种文化的初中高等教育体系建立了一个大体上不容置疑的基础。These conventions form a largely unquestioned base to the culture's systems of primary, secondary, and tertiary education.

对于我们父母和他们的好友而言,这家南斯拉夫人开办的汽车旅店无疑是人间天堂,在走过一段艰辛的人生之后,可在此歇息喘气,不失为一幸。To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult lives.

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然而这也正是她的重大成就,她采用传统的象征符号却解构它们原本毋庸置疑的合理性。But probably her major achievement is to take traditional symbols and to deconstruct their previously unquestioned validity.

卡钦斯基兄弟恨透了这档子事儿,他们最首要的是想树立一个清廉的政府,他们自身的清白是毋庸置疑的。The Kaczynskis loathe this sort of thing. They like to stand above all for clean government. Their own probity is unquestioned.

将自利作为一个毋庸置疑的前提对于失败的推断性原因或预设的解决办法。Using self-interest as an unquestioned premise has serious consequences for inferring causes of failings and for prescribing remedies.

在每个增量中,团队可以选择怎样工作来满足交付要求,但不会讨论“做什么”和“为什么做”。At each increment the teams may choose to adapt how they are working to deliver the requirements but the what and why are unquestioned.

你对胖人消极的想法其实就是来自内心深处的信号,而你需要审视你那毋庸置疑的假设。Your negative thoughts about obese people, turned out to be inner signs that you had unquestioned assumptions that you needed to examine.

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老鱼已经三十五了,虽是毫无疑问的首发,但是上个赛季的上场时间已经锐减到29.8分钟。Derek Fisher, now 35, is the unquestioned starter, though his playing time will be reduced after averaging 29.8 minutes a game last season.

在一个自由竞争的环境下,香港的优势地位很可能是毫无疑问的。In an environment of free competition, Hong Kong's dominance would probably go unquestioned. However, China's playing field is far from level.

这对一位拥有毋庸置疑的血统并已经回到自己的母队安顿下来几周的球员来说,是一个令人沮丧的情况。It is a frustrating situation for a player with unquestioned pedigree, who has settled well to life back at his parent club over the past few weeks.