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我是个可怜的女孩,在这里漂洗线团。I am a poor girl, and I am rinsing yarn.

若不慎进入眼睛,请立刻用清水冲洗干净。Wash with rinsing when it gets into the eyes.

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含有卤化物,用于水洗制程。It contains halides used for rinsing processes.

巴勃罗用酒漱着口,发出咕噜噜噜的声音。Pablo made a swishing noise rinsing wine in his mouth.

在食用罐装红豆之前加以漂也可较好地解决该问题。Rinsing canned beans before using also easesthe problem.

为什么要用超纯水作清洗和冲洗?Why do we need High Purity Water for cleaning and rinsing?

各类铜件、不锈钢件大批量清洗。The mass rinsing of all kinds of copper and stainless steel.

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到了中世纪,人们使用万寿菊的花瓣来清洗他们的头发。Middle Age people used marigold petals for rinsing their hair.

每隔几个小时重复使用,但要先冲洗并弄干皮肤。Reapply every few hours, rinsing and drying the skin beforehand.

要达到最佳效果,漱口后10分钟内不要吃或喝东西。For best results do not eat or drink for 10 minutes after rinsing.

克莱拉会把叶子泡上一个小时,然后再冲几遍。Clara lets them soak for about an hour before rinsing them several times.

一种用于冲洗人体结肠的结肠冲洗机。Disclosed is a colon rinsing machine used for rinsing the colon of human body.

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在此剪辑学习安全冲洗马的尾巴更多的技巧和最佳方法…In this clip learn more tips and best methods for safely rinsing the horse's tail.

该装置能对自动对号牌进行冲洗和旋转去氧化铁皮。This unit is also capable of rinsing out the marked number and descaling automatically.

过一夜之后,将所有东西好好冲洗,凉干待用。Be sure to give everything a good rinsing afterward, and to dry thoroughly before using.

在一些案例中,如漂洗过的夹克和睡袋将复制出原料的蓬松度值。In some cases, rinsing jackets and sleeping bags will replicate the original fill power.

其实看到洗手间少了一个漱口杯,感觉好像少了什么,却说不清。In fact, to see the toilet one less rinsing mug, I feel like less of what they can not tell.

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所以织物在水洗,氧化,和皂洗之后可以立即汽蒸。The fabric may be immediately steamed after which rinsing , oxidation , and soaping is done.

清洗区和水路系统全部采用不锈钢及耐腐蚀材料制造,经久耐用。Rinsing sector and water flow system adopt rustproof material , which can bear roughlt usage.

那是因为硅树胶,高聚物和一些其他的护理剂能够在冲洗后沉淀下来。That's because silicones, polymers, and other conditioning agents can deposit even after rinsing.