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我喜欢写作。I enjoy writing.

写演说词。Writing speeches.

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但他还在写作吗?But was he writing?

他不停地写着。He kept on writing.

她的写作能力如何?Her writing ability?

读书和写字呢?Reading and writing?

上个写作班。Take a writing class.

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我没在写东西。Not. I am not writing.

写作就是改写。Writing is re-writing.

你一定要写下去。You must keep writing.

写得不好,见笑,见笑。Excuse my poor writing.

写作是一项运动。Writing is an exercise.

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爸爸正在写电子邮件。Dad is writing ane-mail.

垃圾、废物。原意是“破烂货”。His writing is all junk.

它提高你的写作。It improves your writing.

用文字表达你的爱。Put your love in writing.

他的文体缺乏变化。His writing lacks variety.

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这是一篇漂亮的文章。This is beautiful writing.

他极不愿意写信。He detests writing letters.

他正用黑墨水写字。He is writing in blackness.