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萨金特透过歪戴着的眼镜斜睨着他。Sargent peered askance through his slanted glasses.

“你会下棋吗?”他斜睨着米格尔问道。Do you play chess?" he asked, looking askance at Miguel."

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深圳设计之都睥第七届文博会展馆。Shenzhen Design Fair pavilions are askance of the seventh.

睇妇科要检查哪些地方?。Look askance what place should department of gynaecology check?

她斜视着瑞克,从他的餐盘里取了一勺食物。She looked at him askance and took a forkful of food from his plate.

而且,人到了这个年龄,在职场上也开始不受待见了。It was also the age at which people would start to look askance at the office.

但当罗丝穿着灯笼裤去健身房教课时,她的学生们都侧目而视。But when she showed up at her gym to teach a class, her students looked askance.

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当我在饭店里要的第一道菜是蜗牛时,全家都讨厌地看著我。My family looked askance when I ordered snails as a first course in the restaurant.

如果现在不出水痘,等哪天自己一个人出才是会让大家侧目相看的事情吧。If not now, chicken pox, which day by myself is will let you look askance look thing.

我们几乎不敢斜眼看悲惨地生活的夫妻或者在离婚法庭大叫对方外号的前妻前夫。We hardly look askance at the miserably married or theexes who hurl epithets in divorce court.

在小一些的强国中,瑞士和墨西哥曾经没有正眼看待印度的努力。Switzerland and Mexico are among the smaller powers that had looked askance at India's efforts.

然而,他这样一位理性与美的热爱者可能会对互联网上的大部分信息投以怀疑的眼光。However, such a lover of beauty and reason might look askance at much of the content on the Internet.

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利比亚人也看着他的数十亿量化给了他们国家的石油收入对外国人侧目。Libyans too looked askance at his doling out of billions in their country's oil revenue to foreigners.

为什么连香港这样高度全球化的社会都要质问人们持有护照的数量?Why has Hong Kong's genuinely global society started to look askance at how many passports people have?

不仅邻居们侧目以对,居委会也坚决要求志愿者们限期搬离。Not only neighbors to look askance at right, residents also insist that the deadline to move out of volunteers.

其他那个曾经织进了骄傲和贪婪的肉的世界,是要对于理想家和梦想家侧目而视的。That other world of flesh into which has been woven pride and greed looks askance at the idealist, the dreamer.

加上后排进攻和跳发球十分出色,这位全面副攻攻击力之强让人侧目。Add to attack and jump off the back of a very good job, the full force of strong attacks font look askance at people.

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一些巴西官员对哥伦比亚不无担忧,哥伦比亚为了对付其国内的革命武装力量游击队而进行的军力建设有美国的支持。Some Brazilian officials look askance at Colombia, whose military build-up against the FARC has the backing of the United States.

大部分经济学家总以怀疑的眼光看待文化,就好像对待经济事务中的关键因素一样,因为,文化所扮演的角色“难以衡量”。Most economists are inclined to look askance at culture as a major factor in economic affairs because claims for its role are “difficult to test.”

岢岚对前来应征黄蜂队员的黑人女性——至少有一个——并不看好,因为她认为,人们对她们的偏见太过严重,这一点就足以让她们以失败告终。She looked askance at black WASP candidates—there was at least one—because, she argued, they would attract far too much prejudice for them to succeed.